Page 55 - SALIK PR REPORT - July 2024
P. 55
Salik joins the UN Global Compact to promote corporate sustainability
by admin_l6ma5gus
July 17, 2024
Salik, the exclusive operator of the road toll system in Dubai, has announced its joining the United
Nations Global Compact, the global voluntary initiative to promote corporate sustainability, in a
proactive step to promote responsible business practices and contribute to advancing the
sustainability journey in the UAE..
Under this initiative, Salik joins more than 20,000 companies in more than 160 countries that are
committed to implementing the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas
of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption..
This strategic step comes within the framework of the company’s long-term vision, which aims to
create a positive impact on the social and environmental levels..
Ibrahim Sultan Al Haddad, CEO of Salik, said: “Salik’s accession to the UN Global Compact
confirms our commitment to adopting appropriate business methodologies that are in line with the
highest ethical standards and environmental responsibility, and contributes to consolidating our
position as a leading company in promoting sustainable business practices in the UAE”..
He added, “We believe in the importance of this membership in enabling and supporting Salik to
integrate these principles into its operations and contribute to achieving the sustainable
development goals ”.
He stressed Salik’s keenness, within the framework of its commitment to these principles, to
support sustainable practices that promise a better future for future generations, as it works to
explore innovative solutions that reduce the carbon footprint and enhance social progress for the
workforce and communities, in a way that serves the path of sustainability and prosperity in the