Page 21 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 21
As its top priority, the Safety and Security Department is focused daily on ensuring the safety and security of any associates, students, and visitors to the University. Therefore, all associates must comply with all policies, procedures and directives of the Safety and Security Department.
Associates are required to follow all health and safety rules, signs, instructions, laws, and immediately report all accidents, safety hazards, or potential hazards to their supervisor and the Safety and Security Department
at (203) 596-4502. If an associate uses their own vehicle to do university business, that associate must maintain their own personal auto insurance liability coverage to meet state specific requirements. Post reserves the right to request verification of this coverage as necessary.
Also, if you see something that’s suspicious, say something – report it to your supervisor and the Safety and Security Department or call 911 if necessary.
The Safety and Security Department’s specific responsibilities include the following:
• Coordinate safety drills;
• Ensure Post’s facilities meet safety compliance standards;
• Provide student and associates an escort service between any two points on campus between dusk and dawn;
• Monitor the University’s Emergency (Blue Lights) Call Box System;
• Administer the University’s safe driving and parking programs, including issuing permits and enforcing regulations;
• Issue University ID and garage cards. (Lost IDs may be replaced at a charge of $5 each and lost garage cards may be replaced at a charge of $10 each.); and
• Serve as point of contact in matters that involve police authorities or suspicious activities.
The Safety and Security Department is also responsible for planning ahead in the unlikely event emergency situations or crimes occur and communicating related information timely throughout the University community. Because every associate is responsible for safety at
Post, the Safety and Security Department welcomes associates’ related suggestions and feedback. Associates may contact the Safety and Security Department at the following numbers:
At Post, all relationships and all interactions which involve associates, students or others require mutual respect, dignity and professionalism – all the time. The University strictly prohibits any workplace conduct that could be interpreted as threatening, offensive, or an act of violence by any student, associate, visitor, vendor, contractor or any business associate. The University also reserves the right to proactively address suspicious behavior that suggests someone has a propensity towards violence considered to be detrimental to Post even prior to any violent behavior occurring.
Workplace violence includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Threats of any kind;
• Physically aggressive or violent behavior such as intimidation of or attempts to instill fear in others;
• Behavior that suggests a propensity toward violence, which can include belligerent or harsh speech, excessive arguing or swearing, threats of sabotage of University property, or a demonstrated pattern of refusal to follow University policies and procedures;
• Defacing property or causing physical damage to facilities;
• Bringing weapons (firearms, explosives, knives, etc.) of any kind onto University premises or possessing such weapons while conducting or traveling on University business;
• Actions that could be considered acts of terrorism; • Bullying;
• Theft; and
• Violating another’s personal “safe space”.
Post Downtown Security Desk: 203-598-9702 Main Campus Safety & Security: 203-596-4543 Main Campus Safety Emergency: 203-596-4502 Office, Director of Safety & Security: 203-596-4501
Being highly attentive in reporting safety or security suspicion is always encouraged and appreciated.