Page 22 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 22
Associate Experience must be notified immediately of any of the above listed actions or behaviors, or if a non-work related situation exists that could become harmful to others in the workplace. As a related matter, if an associate has legally filed a restraining order against another individual, that associate must notify Associate Experience immediately so that Post can comply with it as required.
Associates who believe they have been involved in or may know of a situation that could lead to violence is encouraged to contact the Safety and Security Department or Associate Experience.
From time to time, for various business reasons including, but not limited to, associate development, maintaining security and preserving a harassment-free environment, the University may continually monitor certain associate communications and activities – with or without associate notice. In keeping with the University’s values and need
to continually improve its services, these monitoring processes are administered in a respectful, professional and legally compliant manner for work related purposes only. Post University’s information technology infrastructure systems include a telephone system, a communications network, Internet access, Blackboard, and other software, computer services, computer workstations, radio, camera, electromagnetic and photo-electronic or photo-optical systems, etc.
To eliminate the possibility that associates might be unaware of such monitoring, this policy provides all associates with advance notice that the University may or does periodically perform electronic monitoring, including but not
limited to:
• Reviewing telephone usage
• Accessing voice-mail messages
• Video surveillance of associate work areas to include use of webcams
• Accessing computer files
• Reviewing computer, Internet and/or e-mail usage
• Recording and/or reviewing associate entrance and exit from University premises, including through the use of electronic card swiping devices or other means
• Reviewing associate travel and entertainment expenses
• Recording and/or reviewing associate usage of business equipment including, but not limited to, telephones, computers, photocopiers, fax machines and printers (i.e. mystery shopper usage)
• Recording attendance and/or participation at Post activities, meetings or trainings, whether virtual or in-person in accordance with applicable law(s).
The University may conduct other types of electronic monitoring not identified above, without advance notice, where:
• Security is required in public areas;
• The University reasonably believes an associate may be violating a law, University policy, the legal rights of the University or its associates; or
• The University reasonably believes an associate may be creating a hostile work environment or is engaged in terroristic actions.