Page 26 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 26

business emergencies. In response to changing business needs, your work schedule may be adjusted at Post’s discretion. Generally, supervisors will attempt to arrange a work schedule that is mutually satisfactory. However, in order to ensure that students have convenient, 24- hour access to take full advantage of Post’s educational services and personalized learning environment, you must be flexible with regard to your work schedule.
As the University’s growth story in improving the quality of life for more students continues to evolve, this means certain employment conditions and needs may also change. For example, workdays, shift start and end times, lunch times, assigned work locations (remote/non-remote) and/or specific work accountabilities may be changed at Post’s discretion to best service students and each other.
In being responsive to students’ and colleagues’ expectations, associates are required to demonstrate flexibility in response to necessary changes and dependability by reporting to work daily, completing each workday as scheduled, and working overtime as required by their supervisor.
In addition, leaving work early without management authorization may be considered job abandonment and will be addressed accordingly. Similarly, non-exempt associates may not work through lunch periods without advance approval from management. Also, non-exempt associates are prohibited from working “off the clock” at any time. Any time spent working must be documented so that the University can comply with its commitment and obligation to pay you correctly for all hours worked. Accordingly, non-exempt associates should not work outside of their authorized schedule without advance approval from their supervisor.
If you are non-exempt, you are responsible for completing your electronic time sheet and submitting it to your supervisor in accordance with the University’s payroll procedures. Failure to complete an electronic time sheet may result in a delay in payment for your hours worked. When completing time sheets, the following procedures must be followed:
• All time worked by non-exempt associates must be approved by the supervisor.
• Your time worked must be reported accurately in ADP Workforce Now each week.
• You should be prepared to begin your workday
as scheduled. This means non-compliance with
the associate’s established work schedule is only permissible subject to advance management approval.
• Do not perform any work during rest or meal breaks without prior authorization from your supervision. However, if you work during a break this time must be recorded.
• Working at unapproved times or ending your workday without approval may result in disciplinary action to include termination.
• You must always officially request PTO using the University’s payroll system, ADP Workforce Now.
• Record your own time only – not others’ time.
• Do not permit any other associates (excluding your supervisor) to record time on your behalf.
• Your option to make up missed work time is determined at the sole discretion of your supervisor based on business needs.
If you knowingly falsify work time, attendance or
other Post records in any way, you may be subject to immediate dismissal. If a time sheet or attendance record needs to be corrected in any way, you should contact your immediate supervisor. Associates should not alter time sheets or attendance records for any reason without their supervisor’s approval. As a routine practice, remember to always verify the accuracy of your paycheck each pay period.
Regular and punctual attendance is essential to the University’s effectiveness in continually providing amazing, uninterrupted service to our students. The purpose of this policy is to clarify related expectations. Please keep in mind that while Post has specific guidelines below, you are employed as a responsible professional who recognizes, understands and accepts your obligation to maintain expected attendance starting from your first day of employment. Therefore, throughout your employment we expect you to comply with this policy without excessive management intervention, reminders or oversight.
The following terms are defined under this policy as follows:
Absence: Any unscheduled time away from work
or failure to report to work for at least 50% of the scheduled workday or shift. Each period of absence (e.g., consecutive days off) will be considered as one occurrence of absence.

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