Page 27 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 27
Unscheduled Time: Time off not requested and approved in advance by the associate’s supervisor/ manager.
Tardiness: Failure to report and be ready for work
at the start of the scheduled shift, failure to return to work promptly as required by management at any point during the normal schedule (lunch, breaks, etc.). Each period of tardiness will be considered as one occurrence of tardiness.
Excessive Absenteeism or Tardiness:
• Six occurrences of absence or tardiness in a “rolling” six-month period not classified as Family and Medical Leave or other approved leave.
• Absences or tardiness that is similar or repetitive
in nature such as before or after days off, after weekends, holidays, PTO days, inclement weather days, or pay days.
• Taking unscheduled time off or otherwise taking time off that has not been approved by the respective supervisor/manager.
• Three consecutive days of absence due to sickness/ illness requires submission of a written, return to work medical release to Associate Experience which has been signed by the treating physician. This requirement may also apply in absence cases of less than three days based on extenuating circumstances.
• Any excessive absenteeism or tardiness is subject
to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.
Associate Expectations:
• You are expected to report to work as scheduled and on time.
• If it is impossible to report to work as scheduled, you are expected to notify your manager at least one hour before your starting time. To help best manage possible disruption to student services, we ask that you provide the following information to your supervisor: a.) the basic reason for the absence excluding medical details, if applicable, b.) expected duration of the absence, and c.) information that clarifies when you will resume working as scheduled.
• If your supervisor is unavailable, you must follow your established departmental call-in procedures.
• If your absence is to continue beyond the first day,
you must notify your manager on a daily basis unless otherwise arranged. Contacting your supervisor directly and timely (via text, phone or email) is your responsibility whenever you experience an unscheduled absence or tardiness. Absence for three consecutive
work days without notifying your manager or without your manager’s approval will be considered a terminable offense as job abandonment.
NOTE: Associate’s attendance expectations may vary depending on their assigned work team. Please consult with your supervisor to learn of any department specific exceptions to the general guidelines above.
MEAL BREAK (Non-Exempt)
Unless an applicable state law requires a more
generous meal break, most non-exempt associates
who are scheduled to work six or more hours in a day
will be provided a thirty-minute unpaid meal break,
to be scheduled by the supervisor based on business considerations and department needs. In general, these meal breaks will be scheduled after the first two hours of work and before the last two hours of work (unless state law requires otherwise or an exception to this expectation has been approved in advance). Other paid rest breaks may be provided at Post’s discretion.
During unpaid meal breaks associates are free to leave the workplace and shall be completely relieved of any and all work-related responsibilities. In such cases, non- exempt hourly associates must ensure their unpaid meal breaks are accurately recorded daily in the ADP time and attendance system. More specifically, associates are expected to record their time “Out” when going on the unpaid meal break and their time “In” when returning from the unpaid meal break.
Associates who believe this policy is not being consistently followed should immediately contact their supervisor or the Associate Experience Department.
From time to time, you may be requested and required to work overtime to maintain seamless services to students or colleagues. Being flexible and nimble with your
work schedule is appreciated as a routine expectation
of all associates. Non-exempt associates will be paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half times (11⁄2) their regular rate of pay for all time worked in excess of 40 hours during a given pay week. You should not work overtime unless you have obtained your supervisor’s prior written authorization. If you work overtime without your supervisor’s prior authorization you may be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.