Page 5 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
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 Frequently Asked Questions
  Listed below are some basic questions that may arise as you review this Handbook.
How do I contact the Associate Experience Team?
Associates may confidentially contact the Associate Experience team for special assistance at
(203) 596-4612.
Does this Handbook apply to both non-remote and remote associates? Yes. However, on an exception basis, where policy differences are based on assigned work location, such terms will be specified within the respective policy’s guidelines or communicated by your supervisor
or manager.
What is ADP Workforce Now?
The ADP Workforce Now is a web-based system that you can access from any computer or mobile device to track your time, request and view your PTO, view/update your personal profile information, review benefits or retrieve
a copy of certain Post University policies and forms, etc. The system is user friendly and gives you convenient, self-service access to helpful information you may need to reference as you progress in your career with Post University. ADP Workforce Now is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have a mobile device, you can also download the ADP app.
How do I reset my ADP Workforce
Now username/password?
Please call the Associate Experience team for assistance at (203) 596-4612.
How can I learn more about
what is going on at Post?
We’re glad you asked! The Nest is our internal communication system for keeping you updated about Post’s improvements to student services, associate announcements, growth progress/plans, milestones achieved, celebratory events, happenings on and off campus, and other, important information so you stay equipped and confident in being your best. Please check it daily to make sure you stay connected and
informed about life at Post. We also encourage you to join Post University on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and our website .
Please be reminded that open door communications
is a basic attribute of Post’s “Make It Personal” culture. Associates are encouraged to consult with their supervisory team or Associate Experience to address work related concerns. Simply stated, if you have a need to know...asking a question is always appropriate.
     Where can I find the full version
of Associate Experience policies referenced in this Handbook?
This Handbook is intended as a quick reference summarization of various Associate Experience (also called AE) policies written in a way that clarifies why the policy exits, the intent of the policy and its unique application at Post University. The complete, detailed version of certain AE policies referenced in this Handbook are available on ADP Workforce Now.

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