Page 9 - No5 Barristers' Chambers Pupillage Brochure
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 Members of the Business  and Property   As a first six pupil, you can expect to gain   silly you think they may seem. In addition,   Planning law concerns the use and development of   well as the First Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal
 group are leaders in heavyweight and   experience in many of the above areas of law   the junior members of  the group regularly   land. It affects the places we live, work, and play, and   (generally in relation to the disclosure of information
 complex dispute resolution.  We have over   through shadowing your primary supervisor   organise informal social events which provide   the way we travel between  them.  The way places   relating to the environment).
 50  barristers  practising  in  specialist  fields   as well as other members of the group. In   a welcome opportunity to bond, let off some   are designed,  developed  or preserved,  impacts on   They frequently attend planning inquiries, hearings,
 in Business and Property issues and offer   doing so, you will gain exposure to advising   steam and socialise with members in other   us every day.  Environmental  law is closely related   examinations  in public and development  consent
 appropriate level of counsel for all matters.   in conference; drafting advice, pleadings and   groups. Throughout the year, the group also   to planning,  and  there is a great deal  of overlap   order (“DCO”) hearings. Members represent
 We are regularly  recognised  by Chambers   skeleton arguments; attending  mediations;   hosts solicitors and other clients at a number   between the two. Environmental law concerns and   developers,  land  promoters, local  authorities  and
 and Partners and the Legal 500 for the   and undertaking court based advocacy. This   of social, cultural and sporting events.   regulates the impact of human activity on the natural   parish councils, as well as action groups who want
 excellent service that our members provide.   exposure  will  be invaluable  to you as you   The clerks in the group  are extremely   world and its resources, including the air we breathe,   to take part in the planning process. Members of the
 Members appear in the Court of Appeal and   start on your feet in your second six.  committed and hard-working.  They take   and the water we drink.  Planning  Group have been appointed the Attorney
 Supreme Court and have gone on to attain   In second six, you can expect to be in   a genuine interest  in the development   No5 is noted as being a “heavyweight in planning”   General’s Panel of Counsel and so can advise and
 judicial and political appointments, including   court three to four times a week – regularly   of members’ practices and are always   and members  do some “incredible  work in the   represent the government in relation to challenges to
 as Attorney General.  representing your clients in interim hearings   on the lookout for  opportunities for  us  to   planning sector.”  No5 is regarded as the “standout   planning appeal decisions and to the adoption of new
 The group covers a diverse  range  of   and small claim and fast  track  trials.  In   develop business further – whether that be   environmental  set in the Midlands”  - Chambers   planning policy, for example
 specialist subsets including Agriculture and   addition, you will have a healthy paper based   by attending  a social event, presenting a   UK. Members are also noted for their wide range   Members of the Group have been involved  in a
 Rural Affairs; Banking, Finance and Financial   practice. Many of  our second six pupils   seminar  or simply meeting  a new solicitor   of  expertise across construction, planning  and   number of high-profile cases including:
 Regulation; Commercial Litigation; Company   assist  more senior members of  the  group   for  a  coffee. As  a  tenant,  you  will  find  that   environmental  matters, including  in infrastructure     Nuclear power stations in Somerset and Anglesey
 and Partnership; Inheritance Disputes, Wills,   by  devilling for  them  or  acting as  junior.   you have  a large amount of  control over   and development projects.”
 Trusts and Estates; Insolvency; Insurance;   Your earnings are likely to  exceed your   the direction of  your career – in particular,   The Planning  and Environment  group is home to     Heathrow runway extensions
 Intellectual Property, Information Technology   guaranteed billings.  over which of the subsets of Business and   some of the leading barristers in the field of planning   and Heathrow litigation
 and  Media; International  Arbitration and   Members of our group are friendly and   Property work you ultimately wish to  build   and environment  law. Richard  Kimblin  QC and     The Shirley litigation concerning air quality impacts
 Trade;  Professional  Negligence;  Real  diverse.  You  will  find  that  there  is  always   up a  specialism in –  and that  you will be   Peter Goatley QC head the group  of six silks and      Coventry Airport expansion
 Estate; Sports and Media; and  Technology   someone to  turn to  should you have any   supported by the clerking team throughout   eighteen juniors.    The promotion of new garden villages including
 and Construction.  questions  or concerns, no matter how   your journey.  one in South Bedford for 19,000 new homes
                      Planning is a branch of public law in which decisions
                      are made by local authorities, the Secretary of State     The Thames Tideway Super Sewer
                      for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the     HS2
                      Welsh Ministers, or Inspectors appointed on behalf of     The Wright litigation in the Supreme Court
                      the latter two. Those decisions may then be challenged   considering material considerations
 PERSONAL  INJUR Y   AND CLINICAL  NEGLIGENCE GROUPS  by way of judicial or statutory review. Members
                      regularly  appear  before  all  tribunals including  the   Members of the group have been involved in some of
 The Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence  throughout  that time, continuing  to develop  levels of PI/CN work. This may be acting for   specialist Planning Court, the Court of Appeal and the     the most important cases relating to the interpretation
 groups (PI/CN) are, combined, amongst the  your understanding of these areas, whilst  somebody injured in a work-place accident,   Supreme Court.   of the National  Planning  Policy  Framework  which
 biggest at No5 and include four QC’s. The size  also having somebody you can, and should,  defending a clinician in a clinical negligence   was first introduced in 2012, including thee Suffolk
 ensures there are numerous barristers across  ask questions of  if  you are unsure.  The  case, securing a settlement for somebody   Members also  appear in the Magistrates’ Courts,   Coastal litigation  in the Supreme Court on the
 the full spectrum of experience, providing an  large number of junior barristers also means  with life-changing injuries from a road traffic   the Crown Court (generally  in relation to  criminal   interpretation of the NPPF,  which involved four
 invaluable support network during pupillage.  that  whatever your query or  uncertainty,  accident  or representing  a family at an   breaches of  heritage and environmental law), as   members of the group.
 By the time you begin doing your own cases  somebody will be happy to help, be it on the  inquest. Whatever your interest, there are
 in your second six, you will have had plenty  end of the telephone, by email, in chambers  numerous  opportunities  to develop  your PI/
 of time to observe juniors  doing  the same  or at court. Even as you increase in seniority,  CN practice, and possibly  beyond, at No5.
 sort of cases you will  be undertaking.  This  with a busy court practice developing in  The group, as with chambers generally,
 is in addition to having exposure to more  quality and enhanced by increasing amounts  comprises  effective,  efficient  and  engaging
 complex cases with your pupil supervisor and  of advisory work and pleadings,  you can  practitioners; good at  what we do and

 other barristers.    expect a welcoming and helpful response to  equally  good to talk to after your case has
 any  queries  you  may have,  as we  all  have  finished. We look forward to welcoming you
 When you do start off ‘on your feet’ in second   throughout our time at No5.   to the No5 Personal  Injury and Clinical
 six you can expect a busy court-based   Negligence groups.
 practice and to be in court most days. You will  The  groups undertake both claimant and
 remain under the care of your pupil supervisor  defendant work, across all areas and at  all
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