P. 4

Course Foundation

           The I AM FOR ZERO course was initiated after direction was given follow-

           ing a tragic accident within our community in 2016.

           There is a call for a drastic and urgent culture change regarding our com-
           munity’s driving behaviour, habits and mindset.

           The course was designed for OneSchool Schools in AU as a classroom

           based program, including facts, videos and simple activities to support
           and illustrate the presentation.  The course is not about improving driv-

           ing and vehicle control skills. The trainers focus on the cognitive skills
           and choices drivers make, such as driving while impaired by alcohol,

           drugs and fatigue, and driving while being distracted. The aim is to
           encourage positive attitudes and behaviours in young drivers, which will

           lead to a safe future rather than tragedies.

           As the training is interactive it works best in smaller groups of 18, there-

           fore students may be split up as needed.

           Using the planned structure and method to roll the program out really
           addresses more than one issue;

             • Y ear 10 Students receive the course in a structured and accountable

             • Community involvement is increased

             • Community ambassadors (Champions) are created in each campus

             • The I AM FOR ZERO culture begins to grow with the respected

                 influence of community champions and support members.

           I AM FOR ZERO

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