Page 2 - Philips Uniform - Catalog2 062221~FINAL
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               Philips Uniform has been in business for over 20 years, as one of the leading uniform manufacturing
               service companies. We started our business after seeing that uniform production can be overwhelming,
               especially when it is done across the globe. With this in mind, Philips Uniform was started to bridge this
               gap and to make overseas production more accessible. We handle the whole supply chain process from
               sourcing for fabrics and trims, creating samples, bulk production, packaging, quality control assessments
               and arranging all logistics. For companies that have existing in-house production teams, we are able to
               collaborate together during all stages of production to make the entire production process as smooth as

               Having years of experience under our belts and a dedicated team established, starting a new production
               run or transitioning existing production with us will not be a difficult process.

                Philips Uniform abides by 3 pillars:

                            R                                Q                                 E
                            T                                U                                 X
                            N                                A                                 P
                            E                                 L                                E
                            R                                 I                                R
                            S                                 T                                T
                            H                                Y                                 S

                     We consider all of our            We are determined        We do not bounce from factory to factory.
                     customers as partners          to strategically minimize cost  We do not believe that is sustainable for
                     and take on every job          while maximizing quality of  success in the long run. Instead, we have
                     with accountability and       product to give our customers  been working with the same overseas
                    commitment towards our            the utmost advantage        production team and have established
                      customers success.            amongst their competitors.   years of experience and are considered
                                                                                    experts in uniform manufacturing
                                                                                    and production management.

                                We look forward to building good partnerships and success for many decades to come.

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