Page 17 - Demo
P. 17

                                    10Root canal irrigationIrriFlex%u00aeIrriFlex%u00ae is the game changer that is revolutionizing the field of root canalirrigation.Unlike metal needles, IrriFlex%u00ae easily adapts to complex root canal anatomies.The flexibility of the polypropylene body allows the needle to access theapical region without resistance or damage to the dentinal walls.IrriFlex%u00ae has two side vents at the tip, located back-to-back. This unique characteristic gives balanced irrigant expulsion, via two accurate jets, orienteddirectly to the dentinal walls. The tapered shape of the needle adapts to theshape of the canal. Flow thickness of the irrigant is therefore constant as thefluid moves to the coronal area, which maximises shear forces and the elimination of debris, smear layer and biofilm.IrriFlex%u00ae needles are manufactured in Switzerland. They are produced in aclean room, and packaged individually.Boxes of 20 pcs and 40 pcs.White LineREFBox of 20 pcs 21400Box of 40 pcs 21401 *This product is a medical device of Class IIa and fulfills the applicable requirements of the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745. This Medical Device is covered by SGS Belgium NV (Notified Body number 1639) accreditation as mentioned in the Declaration of Conformity.** Product availability may depend on your local regulation and product registration status.
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