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Fins Magazine Mermaid Marketplace

        The Mermaid Coach
        by: Patris
        As a mermaid, singer and life coach, I bring magic into my clients’ life. Through life coaching sessions
        I help them find the song of their heart, their deepest dreams, and I walk with them on their path to
        success! Whether, your dream is getting into mermaiding, levelling up or something totally different,
        I can help it become your amazing reality! Being a mermaid allows me to embody the magic and
        my coaching sessions can include songs, meditation, relaxation, creativity. I started as a singer,
        researching about healing sound and how music can transform our mood through vibrations. I am
        convinced that everything is energy and our own vibration is the key. My life journey took me from
        France, where I was born, to the fascinating Venice in Italy, where I started swimming outdoors all
        year long and then to the UK, where I became a mermaid! Many of my dreams came true, so I know
        from experience that it is possible! There’s no dreaming too big, we have incredible resources inside
        and I love to take my clients on inner explorations, a bit like a hero’s journey! Mermaids are from a
        world of magic and possibilities, that is alive in everyone’s heart. At times, you just need to see a real
        life mermaid to remember how to open the door to this magical inner world of yours. I am mostly
        working online but also like offline sessions, especially in nature! I can hold sessions in English,
        French and Italian.

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