Page 11 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 11

by Patricia Pastrano


 Artificial Reef Project

 coral reefs to oyster restoration,
 mangrove restoration, and other
 marine systems.”
     Coral Loks are embedded in all of the ORA reef modules to provide the easy attachment of corals to the artificial reefs.    Photo credit:  Making Waves Production - Tim Sullivan

 Using real models, mermaids are   scanning technology.   Emily Guglielmo, The   donors to fund modules directly or purchase
 sculpted using eco-friendly materials   American Mermaid, was the first mermaid   a memorial plaque placed on the module.
 and placed under the ocean to create   to be cast in this manner.  Today, mermaids   Plaques can be used to celebrate birthdays,
 enchanting underwater mermaid   have the option of a physical 3D scan or   anniversaries and memorials for loved ones.
 gardens.  These artificial reefs   transformed from a photo.
 combine innovation with art and safe
 materials to enhance marine habitats                              With 80 statues deployed and 920 to go, the
 and create eco-friendly diving   When the reefs are made, they are   1000 Mermaids project is just getting started.
 destinations.  embedded with ‘Coral Loks’ from Reef Cells.        With projects continuing in Florida and now
          An innovative solution that ‘simply screws’              expanding to Mexico, they expect to surpass
          living coral into the reefs.  These loks enable          it eventually.  “We’ll be adding to our sites
 The 1000 Mermaid project originated   coral to grow and be deployed more quickly   as much as we can and plan to expand the
 from an artist whose vision was to use   and securely.  They are now able to create   Mermaids project all over the world.”
 the mermaid as a symbol for raising   reefs in areas that didn’t exist before and
 marine conservation awareness.   An   have the ability to take a sandy bottom ocean
 age-old symbol, the mermaid ties the   floor and create a thriving fish habitat.               Reef modules before they were
 worlds above and below the surface,                                                            deployed in 2020.
 the human world and our oceans.                                                                Deployments are expensive,
          A costly process, their recent deployment                                             with  barge rental costs
          entailed barge rental costs of $40,000 for                                            (as  pictured) running forty
 The American Mermaid statue deployed in 2020 at the 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef site.    Shelby Thomas, CEO and Director   a single day.  Having received grants and   thousand dollars a day.
 Photo credit:  Andre Johnson  of Research at ORA explained, “The   support from county and city entities, they
 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project is a   mermaid sculpture helps exemplify the   do look for donor funding from additional   Photo credit:
 project under the Ocean Rescue Alliance   human connection to the ocean. Which   avenues.  There are options for individual    Jack McCulley
 (ORA).   creates a unique dive site and helps connect
 people back to the ocean.”
                                                                    1000 MERMAIDS ARTIFICIAL REEF PROJECT
 ORA’s primary focus is “creating different                         @1000mermaids
 restoration technologies that help assist   Mermaids were originally hand cast to make   FB: 1000mermaids
 with a lot of different marine systems, from   the sculptures.  Now they are cast using 3D

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