Page 122 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 122

The Traveling


                                                                                  by The Traveling Merman

                                                            compelled me to swim, splash around and share
                                                            with others the things I had learned.

                                                            Once I got my first tail, I decided to swim to
                                                            places and explore. Whether it was beautiful
                                                            beaches or famous landmarks, I wanted to bring
                                                            the world around us closer to those unable
                                                            to travel.   The positive feedback I got from
                                                            bystanders fueled me to continue pushing the

                                                            When I was in Denmark, I made sure to pay a
                                                            visit to The Little Mermaid Statue. It was such
                                                            a ‘Fin-credible’ experience.  Tourists and locals
                                                            were in shock to see a real life merman. They
                                                            didn’t want me to leave!
     Jurassic Merman | @jurassicmerman     Mike Croft  |  @dlx23                                                                      Steeley Dan the Merman | @Steeley_Dan_The Merman       Mermaid Chantell | @chantell_peck_photography
                                                                                                                                      The Traveling Merman  |  @thetravelingmerman                     The Traveling Mertographer  | @thetravelingmertographer
                                                            Since I have been able to connect with so many
    Shello! I am The Traveling Merman and I hail from       people and mers around the world, I decided to
    Colombia.                                               create a logo with my name that would inspire
                                                            others to pack their bags and make that trip. I
    As a little kid I remember the first movie I            sell merchandise with my logo at online at my
    watched, The Little Mermaid.  I felt so enchanted       website. My hope is that every time someone
    by her story and characterization, that I knew I        see my logo, they are reminded to not give up on
    wanted to become  a merman.                             their adventure.

    After finishing my elementary school in                 Also, I have realized that every merfolk I have
    Colombia, I moved to Spain where I continued            met has taught me that we all have a story to tell.
    with my middle school education.  Living in             Each story is unique and special in it’s own way.
    Madrid, I was exposed to a different culture            When we meet in person and we go for a swim
    and my passion for traveling was born.  After           together, they teach me about their community
    finishing my middle school education in Spain,          and their mersonas. We create lasting memories
    I moved to the USA to learn English and finish          and a bond that I will always cherish.
    my high school and college
    educations.                                                     At the end of my adventures, I am left
                                                                    with the thought: The common thread
    My dream of becoming a                                          that unites us all is the desire to be who
    real merman and owning a                                        we are.
    tail became a reality when
    I saw a video of the Weekie
    Wachee Mermaids. It

                                      Jurassic Merman | @jurassicmerman             Learn more about The Traveling Merman
                                      Mermaid Coralia Pearl  |  @coraliapearl
                                      Mike Croft  |  @dlx23
      122                                                                           @thetravelingmerman                       Mermaid Nivenia | @mermaidnivenia  TheTravelingMerman | @thetravelingmerman   TheTravelingMertographer | @thetravelingmertographer
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