Page 53 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 53
is a professional underwater
by Patricia Pastrano drama, it only makes sense he
performing merman.
Known in the mermaid world
for the mermaid mythology
knowledge he possesses
(and shares), his costuming
and backstory are notably
influenced by mythology. For
example, his mer-pet is Niko,
the hippocampus.
Even with his background, Jax
has had to “really, really blaze”
a trail on his way to being
a professional underwater
performer and owning his
own company, Dark Tide
Production (DTP).
Moving to Los Angeles to
model and act, he began to
understand that the only roles
he was getting were based on
how the world viewed him. “I
was being cast polar opposite
of me. I was either being cast
as a drug dealer thug, who
was getting arrested on the
show, or I was at a super 90s. And I was like, Oh, I could
sexy nightclub, like a piece never do this.”
of meat. And I didn’t feel
comfortable with either one After years of research and
of those.” investigation, he started Dark
aving blazed his own path, become the inspiring merman Raised in a supportive family Tide Productions, an event
HMerman Jax (Jack Laflin), is he is today. to whom the ocean is hugely Always looking things company that combines his
one of the most highly regarded important, he grew up a up online, he found out love of mermaids, oceans,
professional mermen in the Not only does his last name professional swimmer and about these beautiful mythology and swimming
world. After a decade of being mean “Land of Lakes” in Irish, went on to study drama and prosthetic tails that people on a platform he believes
a professional merman, Jax has his first name is from his Irish mythology in college. were buying when they in. Providing quality event
created his own life his own way. grandfather who was a sailor. weren’t really available entertainment that specializes
Fom the other side of the family, When you combine the magical commercially. “I remember in true diversity, it is important
With his unique mix of Irish and his Filipino grandfather was an and mythological creatures there was one available to Jax that he provides a safe
Filipino heritage, you can begin abalone diver. that swim in an ocean home through Neiman Marcus. place both professionally and
to see how Jax was destined to with someone who studied It was $10,000, like in the personally for his team.