Page 64 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 64

Shir Katzenell in the                                                                                                            Supporting mermaids who deal with their own insecurities is   over 1,500 members.  A  community actively encouraging and
                                                                                                                                      equally as important to Shir.  Dealing with her own self doubts
                                                                                                                                                                                             embracing new mermaids. Shir excitedly explained, "You just
                          Mermaid World                      MERMAID ISRAEL - MERMAID WORLD                                           at the beginning of her mermaid journey, Shir had to learn   invite everyone, and everyone comes. No matter if they're six,
                                                             Creating her business, “Mermaid World”, in 2016 to bring the
                                                             magic of mermaiding to Israel, Shir started telling people about         self-acceptance."When I started, I realized that I'm about to be   or if they're 35, you just come together. At the last meetup we
                                                                                                                                                                                             had, before quarantine happened again, was at a beautiful
                                                                                                                                      the face of mermaids in Israel. I thought, maybe I'm not thin
                                 by  Patricia Pastrano       the mermaid community, the world mermaid community, and                  enough, maybe I'm not pretty enough to represent mermaids.   beach. We are a very warm and close group of people who
                                                             how  it connects to ecological and environmental subjects.                                                                      mermaid regularly. We also encourage and embrace people

                                                             Emphasizing in
                                                             every workshop two
                                                             values: protecting
                                                             our environment and
                                                             acceptance of who you are.

                                                             Ever since university, she
                                                             worked and volunteered in
                                                             environmental education.
                                                             "All of that was important
                                                             to me to bring inside my
     Bat Yam, Israel |  May 23, 2020 |  Photo Credite: AP Photo/Oded Balilty
                                                             business and inside the
            mong the Associated Press top photos of 2020, sat a   mermaid community. So
            pod of mermaids lounging in a tide pool near Telaviv,   my business is a zero waste
     A Israel.  A mermaid community living in a Middle East   business. When people
     country that has experienced over a 100 years of turmoil.  Shir   come we never use single   Performing at 2019 WMC in China.
     Katzenell, co-founder of the Israeli Mermaid Community   use plastics and emphasize
     (IMC), described: “Living in Israel, it’s not an easy situation   the importance of saving
     to be in. Sometimes we have rockets fall on our houses, and   their environment."
     sometimes all the guys get drafted to war.
                                                             Plastic makes up an estimated 70% of debris in Israel's local

     It’s important to maintain the amount of magic in your life.    seas. By removing single use plastics, they are contributing to
     If I could do something to make people's lives more magical,   the saving of their local environment.
     then that's what I want to do.  So I started Mermaid Israel as a
     platform for people to come and have fun with tails. I wanted   Members contributed their time and efforts in the "World's
     people to come, I give them a pool, I give them chills, and they   Largest Beach Clean-Up" held in Israel last October.  Along
     just, you know, have fun."                                                                                                       And then it dawned on me, 'Just because I don't look like   that it's their first time or just their second. Here they have
                                                             100 locations along the coast of Israel, they were part of 18,000        Ariel, it doesn't mean that I can’t be a mermaid.' It emphasizes
                                                                           people that picked up 62 tons of trash.                    how important it is to communicate to people that you don't   a mermaid tail, but they're too afraid to go by themselves."
                                                                                                                                                                                             Passionate about inclusion of all, she continued, "I wanted
                                                                                                                                      have to be a certain figure or size to be a mermaid. No matter   people to have tails at home. I wanted them to feel comfortable
                                                                                                                                      how much I preach about it, I still get kids asking me on my
                                                                           Collaborating with environmental                                                                                  to go to the beach with their tails.  I want them to not feel
                                                                           movements in Israel, like “Eco Ocean”, or                  TikTok. 'Can fat girls do it?' If I'm full size, can I still do it?' I   embarrassed about people who were staring.  Meetups really
                                                                           “The Mediterranean People”, mermaids                       keep posting videos that show amazing, full figured mermaids,   allowed us to do that. Because we were together.  Together,
                                                                           began gaining exposure and raising                         plus size mermaids, and they go, 'Oh my God, I can do it too.'   we have a power that you don't necessarily have when you are
                                                                           awareness in the local communities.  Getting               There were so many girls that came to my workshops with their   alone.  Especially when you begin, and you are worried about
                                                                           included in their partner’s social media                   families or their friends. And they said, 'No, I can't because   what people might think about you.»
                                                                           literature after participating in beach clean-             you know, I'm, I'm not the right pants size to be a mermaid.' I
                                                                           ups, presentations and demonstrations                      sat and talked to them, and they ended up doing it.  It's such a
                                                                           was a good feeling. "When you open their                   huge success in my mind.  Mermaiding is not just about being a   CHILDHOOD DREAM
                                                                           brochures, you can see pictures of the                     magical figure. It's also about accepting yourself and being who   Deciding to go full time in 2018, she left a very safe workplace
                                                                           mermaids in the community. We really                       you are."                                              that she loved.  As an adult with children and a mortgage, it
                                                                           became a big part of preservation, which                                                                          was a huge decision.  Full heartedly believing in the value of
                                                                           is amazing in my mind, because we're                       ISRAELI MERMAID COMMUNITY                              what she was doing and how much joy it brings to people, she
                                                                           connected to two really well established                                                                          dove in. "For years I was a little Disney girl, who had dreams
                                                                           movements."                                                With Michelle Koretsky in 2017, Shir established the Israeli   and fairy tales all day. And then I was an adult.  And I chose to
                                                                                                                                      Mermaid Community and "it was exciting."  With attendance   leave that behind to chase a childhood dream."
                                                                                                                                      of about 40 people in swim meetups, their pod is active with
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