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                PUBLICATIONS                                                                                                                  PAGE NUMBER 7
                 MARCH 2022

                                                                       -PERFORMER EDITION-


                                    Irene la Sirene                                    Merina The Mermaid                                Mermaid Adira
                                    Mermaid, Freediving, Scuba                         Merina The Mermaid                                Professional Mermaid
                                    and First Aid Certifications                           Brandon, FL United States                     Stone Mountain, GA United States
                                         Montreal, Quebec Canada                              
                                                           merina_the_mermaid/                                    mermaidadira/
                                                  com/product/merina-the-mermaid/                               mermaidadira/
                                            store/irene-la-sirene/                                                                                             -
           Get your mermaid, freediving, scuba, and first aid certifications   Mermaid performer that will come to you! My daughter   Located in Georgia, Mermaid Adira is available for birthday
           from a safety-focused mermaid with over 30 years of aquatics   Coralenna is a mermaid and also my helper. IÕm located in   parties, special events, and photoshoots.
           education  experience.  Irene  La  Sirene  can  get  you  the   the Tampa Fl area.
           certification(s) you want or need to continue your mermaiding
           journey  with  background  and  certifications.  Credentials
           include ?? PADI Course Director & PADI Freediving Instructor
           ??PADI Mermaid Instructor Trainer ??First Aid Instructor &
           Instructor Trainer ??Certified lifeguard, ?? National Lifeguard
           Instructor Trainer & Examiner ?? Synchronized swimming:
           former swimmer, coach, learning facilitator, and official with
           international experience.

                                    Mermaid Echo                                       Mermaid Gem - Jewel                               Purple Desert Siren
                                    Entertainment LLC                                  of the Sea                                        Purple Desert Siren
                                    MerWeek 2022 | Paradise                            Mermaid Entertainment                                 Savannah, GA United States
                                    Retreat with Echo                                     Cleveland, OH United States             
                                         Madison, WI United States                                            purple.desert.siren/
                                                 mermaid.echo/                                                              ###
                                                                 mermaidgem                                                 -
                                                 MermaidEcho/      I am available to book for many types of events such as:
                                                             Based in Cleveland, Mermaid Gem has been providing   ?Meet  and Greets ?Parties ?Private, Corporate, & Charity
           Join us for an all-inclusive retreat to relax, bond, and   interactive,  aquatic  entertainment  since  2013.  With  a   Events ?Festivals ?Parades ?Marketing ?Photos Ops and
           play with fellow merfolk in paradise. During the week, we   sparkling tail and personality, itÕs no wonder they call her   more!
           will celebrate PADIÕs WomenÕs Dive Day and unite the   the ÒJewel of the SeaÓ!  Through her performances, she
           growing community of certified PADI mermaids around the   strives to enchant people of all ages, and inspire others to
           world. Attendees are encouraged to get PADI certified before   shine their brightest.  SheÕs also a passionate advocate for
           the retreat with Echo. Jewels Diver of Freedive Mermaid   water conservation, empowering  women, healthy living,
           Cozumel and  the  local Mermaids for  Conservation  team   and arts education. In addition, she owns and operates the
           will lead us on tropical adventures across the island. Email   statewide troupe, ÒThe Ohio Mermaids.Ó
  to for more information!

                                    Sea Angel Jenn                                     SireNea                                           Waterproof_designs
                                    A Mermaid’s Tale of Pearls                         SireNea performance                               Waterproof Headpieces
                                    - Children’s Book                                    Los Angeles, CA United States                         Dallas, TX United States
                                     North Hollywood, CA United States                                      Http://
                                                                croatiansiren                                 waterproof_designs
                                                 seaangeljenn/                                 https://finsmermaidmarketplace.
                                                    https://finsmermaidmarketplace.                                      com/
                                              seaangelsirenjenn/                               com/product/sirenea-
                            performance  I use 3D printed shells and aquarium grade foliage to create
                                                             An elven queen of Atlantis, a Vampyre mer, or a Goth Dragon   hair clips, and headdresses for any mer persons look. These
           “A Mermaid’s Tale of Pearls” is a beautiful hardcover childrens   warrior siren? SireNea has it all, hailing from over a decade   products are made to stay on while you swim and do your
           book with watercolor art written by Jennifer Elizabeth, aka   of full-time model/actress life as a chameleon worldwide!  “thang” underwater. I use 3D printed shells and aquarium
           Sea Ang Jenn and illustrated by Anna Marie.  It’s a tale the                                         grade foliage to create hair clips, and headdresses for any mer
           that covers heartbreak and hopes in friendships. Sometimes                                           persons look. These products are made to stay on while you
           we don’t get the turn out we want, but a better gift we need.                                        swim and do your “thang” underwater. If you are interested
                                                                                                                in purchasing a set, please contact me for more information.


           7 Fathoms Entertainment  Syrena’s Treasures        JujuOwls                 Mermaid Esmerelda Inc    Mermaids Make Waves      Sirenscovedesigns
           Lily Bean The Alaskan    Applied Mermaid           Jurassic Merman          The mermaid of           Oggles by Sam            THe Paradise Mermaids
             Mermaid                Pic-Sew                    Productions              Memories                Alchemy Aquatics         Mermaid Ria
           Alexandra the Mermaid    MerMADE Necessities       MermaidMe                New York Mermaid           Entertainment LLC      Sparklegirl Costume
           Allison Dee Events       Mermaid Planet            International Mermaid    Mermaid Lelie            Purple.Desert.Siren      The Mermaid Coach
           Everglades Mermaid       Nereid Studios             Museum                  Mermaids & Mariners on   Raina Mermaid | Halifax   Made by Nimo
           The Native Siren         Mermaid Yl’luria          Mermaid Mystik Leah       the St. Clair             Mermaids               QilinOddities
           Aquabun                  Frostbit Fins             LV Dive Adventures       Mermaid’s Pleasure       Brigid Sinclair          The Vintage Glam
           Aquatic Mermaids         Mermaid Gabriella         Megalodon Merket         Mermazing Kreationz      Sunspot Designs            Mermaid
           Art of Angel             Harmony & Grace           MemorieseImagined        ID Fabrications          Save The Mermaids        River Nymph Emporium
           Atlantica Treasures        Mermaid Tails           Merfolk of Delaware      Mermaid Twinkle            Podcast                Whimzsea Studios
           Mermaid Ayesha           Hollywood Mermaid Gear    Merina The Mermaid       SireNea                  Chelsea Mermaid          Windy City Mermaids
           Bali Mermadi Fashion     Hire A Mermaid UK         Antipodean Siren         Sun Through Water the    Nautilus Accessories
           Mermaid_Bekah            Irene La Sirene           Aqua Native               Green River Mermaid     SeaWolf Fabrications
           Barnegat Bay Mermaid LLC  Mermaid Jacy             Mermaid Aria Cloe        Nymphia: The Nautilus    Shimmering Seas Studio
           Blackhe.ART369           Mermaid Asylum            Mermaid Echo              Mermaid                 Sierra Siren Studios
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