Page 23 - Q02-2021_Fins-Magazine
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also two Roughtail Rays living
              in the aquarium. They look
              very similar to the Southern
              Stingrays, but their body and
              tail are covered in small thorns
              and   white   splotches.  The
              Roughtail Rays are also the
              largest species in size, clocking
              in at over two hundred pounds.
              Finally, the Spotted Eagle Rays,
              with their polka dot body and
              a unique rostrum, are known
              for breaching the surface and
              gracefully leaping out of the
              water. Spotted Eagle Rays are
              listed as Near Threatened by
              the IUCN, International Union
              for Conservation of Nature.
              Also in the tank is a species
              of small hammerhead sharks
              called  Bonnethead     sharks,    barb is gone, the stingray must   without overfishing, can create
              swimming near the water’s         grow a new one, a process that   lower by-catch numbers, and
              surface.  The    sharks   and     can take up to three months.     reduce habitat damage. Shark
 WORLD OCEAN DAY  stingrays are in this tank    During that time, the injured    finning  is  also  a  huge  risk  to
              together  because  these two
                                                                                 sharks as well as all marine life.
                                                ray is defenseless, so you can
 SEA OF VOICES  species are closely related.    understand why they do not       Where less than ten people
              They belong to a group of         use the barb unless they have    are fatally injured by sharks
              animals called elasmobranchs.     to! Staff will clip the stingrays’   each year, worldwide, humans
 Mermaid Paige visits   One of the interesting traits   barbs to keep the divers and   are responsible for the death
                                                animals safe and healthy at the
              that elasmobranchs share is
                                                                                 of  over  150 million  sharks.  If
 Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada  their unique skeletons. Sharks   aquarium, just like a human   we lose sharks, a top predator,
                                                cutting their fingernails.
              and rays do not have hard
                                                                                 entire ocean food webs could
 to learn about Stingrays  calcium bones in their body.     Humans  are  far  more  be thrown out of balance.
              Instead, their skeletons are

              composed of  cartilage.  Think    dangerous to stingrays and
              of  how  your  ears  or  nose  feel   sharks than  they  are  to us.  A
              when you manipulate them, as      2014 report from Simon Fraser
 BY: MERMAID PAIGE © 2021 BY OCEAN MERMAID PAIGE  they are also made of cartilage.   University found that over a
 PHOTOS:  COURTESY OF RIPLEY’S AQUARIUM OF CANADA LP  A cartilaginous skeleton keeps   quarter of sharks and rays are
 LOCATION:  RIPLEY’S AQUARIUM OF CANADA LP  these animals light and flexible   at risk of going extinct.
               TORONTO, CANADA | RIPLEYAQUARIUMS.COM/CANADA  in the water.
                                                A major threat to these
              The    public   often   views     animals is overfishing and
 On  June  8,  2021,  Ocean  local zoos, rescue centers, and   of the stingrays in the tank are   stingrays as very dangerous   accidental  by-catch.  We
 Mermaid Paige headed to   aquariums to speak about   called the Cownose Rays. They   animals, when in fact, they are   encourage everyone to think
 Ray Bay, where the stingrays   the biodiversity in the oceans.   get their name from the short   generally very docile,  allowing   critically about where their
 live inside Ripley’s Aquarium   This article summarizes the   round lobes on the front of   scuba divers to swim with   seafood comes from and how
 of  Canada  to  collaborate  exclusive  interview  Ocean  their heads that give them the   them in the wild. Stingrays do   it was caught. By choosing to
 with the incredible staff and   Mermaid  Paige  had  with  appearance of having a cow’s   possess a venomous barb that   purchase sustainable seafood,
 education team and discuss   Katie, head of the educational   nose. The Cownose Rays like   grows out of a part of their tails,   you can help ensure that
 the fascinating sea creatures   department  at  Ripley’s  to swim throughout the entire   but this barb is only used as a   our stingrays and sharks are
 with Katie and Lizzie. This was   Aquarium of Canada, about   tank but enjoy coming up to   defensive measure  to protect   around for future generations
 a live event streamed for free   her in-depth knowledge on   the surface to get some gentle   them from predators such as   to see and enjoy. We encourage
 online called Sea of Voices,   stingrays.  pets  from  a passersby in  the   sharks, large  fish,  or  orcas.  If   sustainable seafood through
 in collaboration with Fins   aquarium.  Southern  Stingrays   a stingray uses its barb, it can   a  program  like  Ocean
 Magazine and the CILC for   There are many species homed   have a large round body with   break off into the attacking   Wise, which helps promote
 World Ocean Day. It brought   in Ray Bay, including four   a whip-like tail, and they prefer   predator, giving them time to   awareness about types of fish
 together  mermaids  from  different kinds of stingrays and   to hang out near the bottom   swim away to safety. Once the   that are commercially caught
 around the world to host from   one type of shark. The smallest   of the tank. Then there are

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