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The CILC presented the idea to their There was a core belief that fueled all those
content providers, to which we did a working so hard. We had an opportunity to
formal presentation and where promptly show that practicing mermaids were not
annihilated. The academics scoffed at the people stuck in a fantasy world or simply
idea that anyone in costume pretending wanting to show off in costumes, but are,
to be mermaid could have credibility, in fact, passionate, educated and diverse
and suggested that it was demeaning global culture concerned about real issues
to even state it was possible. There was a and ready to work help effect change.
resounding, “No, we are not interested,”
from all except one. The end result:
1. We partnered with aquariums,
The director at the CILC was discouraged rescues and zoos to further
on several levels. A teacher herself for conservation awareness,
many years, she too believed that fantasy
and science fiction increased the efficacy 2. The CILC put out the event
of learning and retention, particularly notification,
on in science and environmental issues.
She has a passion for teaching and the 3. The mermaid crews and
unwillingness of others to at least try this equipment were on site and
experiment was disheartening.
ready to go with experienced staff
We have experienced the idea of mermaids managing it,
being demeaned in the past and were
determined to change the conversation. 4. The mermaids were in tails with
microphones and professionally
The only way to do that was to demonstrate interviewed resident experts,
with empirical data that what we believed
was true. We stepped up and said we would 5. Our event broke records for the
provide the aquariums, zoo’s and rescues CILC viewership,
globally to make this event happen.
6. The capacity of the video
At this point in time, for all practical streaming was overloaded, entire
purposes, we were back to square one, classrooms were not able to log in
and so we cannot know how many
with about three weeks to put together a
FROM THE CEO & global live streaming event. or how big our audience could
have been,
We did not waver for even one moment
7. Due to the streaming interruptions
in our belief and purposefully pushed
EDITOR IN CHIEF forward. Pat worked tirelessly, as did mentioned above, we do not know
how many viewers we would have
Smokie West, Paige Moyles, Leah Arfele,
had, had the event run seamlessly,
Jacy Peck, Ria Loveder, Graceanne Taylor,
but we do know we had over 36,000
Scarlet Emrath, and Zee Blackwell. There
was very little time to secure the locations,
unprecedented positive response
the mermaids and the equipment. Live simultaneous viewers, which was an
streaming any event is a challenge; live for an educational event.
This issue we are combining our letters into and the opportunity for community streaming from five locations in different
one joint message; one voice. outreach and involvement. time zones across the globe increased the The accomplishment for the mermaid
challenge exponentially. community is huge, our team was amazing,
The first half of 2021 has been eventful. We believe that mermaids bring audience, and the resulting event was an incredible
We have learned a lot, accomplished a lot, and audience can bring awareness, and The CILC was hesitant to announce or experience for all. We now have empirical
discovered a lot more than we expected, with that awareness comes the hope of promote the event until we could prove we data to move forward with planning
and made a lot of decisions. change. We submitted a proposal, and could do it, and rightfully so. It was up to future events—to share our message of
created a partnership with CILC (Center our team to put together all the pieces, and conservation of the beautiful marine life
We have uncovered our resolve, and what for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) it had to be done quickly or there wouldn’t and oceans that sustain the mermaid in us
has now become Fins Magazine’s guiding for World Oceans Day around the idea be enough time for the CILC to present the all.
mantra. One, mermaiding is about a spirit, of having mermaids interviewing and event to its base of teachers, schools and
community, inclusiveness and acceptance. discussing marine animals, environmental institutions. We cannot wait to make more of a splash
And, two, mermaids can bring awareness issues, and Biodiversity. in this arena and are planning new events
and education to relevant environment This was the first real test for us as a to dive into!
and social issues. We were feeling validated. CILC is one of publication and as a team. A massive
the oldest and most established distance opportunity with a global audience and a It’s time for us to make waves,
If we are right, the industry stands at the learning platforms in existence, and they crowd of academics waiting to say, “I told JW and PP
precipice of change. Once just cosplay and had agreed to reach out to their providers you so,” if we failed.
parties, mermaiding is evolving into an and endorse the idea.
actual sport with mermaid certifications,
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