Page 59 - Q02-2021_Fins-Magazine
P. 59

So I started a photography   PP:
 business.  I am a huge fan of your aerial
 shots.  Tell us how you got
 PP:   into using drones in your
 Whoah!  Ektachrome is a blast   photography?
 from the past. So what kind
 of photography do you find   RM:
 yourself doing these days?   After 37 years, I was getting
 close to the age where I would
 RM:   have to retire from commercial
 Didn’t you know mermaids are   flying. So I thought a lot about
 my thing now? [Laughs]  No,   getting a drone and using that
 I’m kidding.   with the camera. At that time,
 they didn’t have the quality
 PP:   drones we have now, then they
 I KNEW I’d make you a convert,   were very big.  I had a Cinestar
 Ron! You had it written all over   8, which was a huge drone.
 your face.  And I had a gimbal that hung
 below with the drone with the
 RM:    camera and got some great
 I really, truly don’t have   shots with it.  But at $22,000,
 a favorite. A lot of people   the drone’s photo quality was
 don’t look at photography   nothing compared to some
 as art. I always tell people,   of the smaller drones we have
 photography is nothing but   today. My interest was because
 painting with light. And there   I love aviation so much. When
 are two schools of thought that   you get off the ground, the
 most people have said. One   world looks different. You can
 of them is that you need to   do things photographically
 specialize in something so that   with a drone that you can’t
 you’re known for it. The other   do on the ground. Your scene
 side is that you don’t specialize   may look good, but it might
 because you cut yourself out of   be blocked by a street light,
 other business opportunities.   or a truck or a building or
 As a freelancer, I adhere to the   something else, but there’s
 second school of thought.  something that limits your
 ability to move around. With
 a drone for the most part, you
 If I had to do just one kind of   don’t have that limitation.
 PHOTOGRAPHY,   It is a totally different result,
 I don’t think I would still have the   and you don’t have to get very
 high. I’ve shot with cameras
 LOVE  I put on just a pole. It’s a 10-
 foot pole, but even just raising
 for it that I do.  that 10-feet changes the
 perspective. It was a fairly
 small camera, but I could raise
 it up, get above the crowd,
 So I’ve done everything; I do   and look down on what I was   RM:   I do recommend is practice   PP:    I would say it’s kind of a mix
 model portfolios, graphic print   shooting. So instead, it gives   They have a lot of other drones   with the drone you get.  You   At Swim Into Summer Las   between the two. It’s normal
 work, wall decorations, and   you a different angle that   out now that are very good   have to get comfortable with   Vegas, we worked together and   assuming that the basics of
 large murals. I even did a six-  most people don’t see. And   quality. Some shoot 6k video,   it. You also have to know all the   it was tons of fun with some   photography don’t change.
 foot by eight-foot once. I shot   therefore, it’s interesting.  some of them have up to   drone rules. As a professional,   great results. I believe that   What changes is the ability
 food photography and other   40 megapixels and they’re   you have to get a Part 107   was your first time shooting   for the model or in this case,
 things for Troon Golf.  So I think   PP:    not expensive drones.   You   certification to fly the drone.   mermaids. Did you notice any   the mermaid, to move into
 just about everything you can   What kind of tips can you share   can get pretty good drones   A lot of people still don’t know   differences between shooting   positions or change positions.
 think of, I have probably shot at   with those just starting and   for under $700. Because   that.  It’s not that difficult to   mermaids versus a ‘normal’   Most of them have to be
 some point.  who can’t go out and afford   technology is increasing and   obtain. But you do need it if   shoot?  carried someplace if you shoot
 high price tags, like $22,000?  has improved so much, it   you fly a drone commercially.  in more than one area.  They
 makes it much easier. What                     RM:                               can’t simply get up and walk

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