Page 3 - The Brain Health Guide
P. 3


                              Table of ConTenTs

        ChapTer 1:
                  AmericA’s stAte of BrAin HeAltH                                       1

        ChapTer 2:
                 nutrition tips for memory fitness                                      3

        ChapTer 3:
                 lifestyle tips for memory fitness                                    10

        ChapTer 4:
                 ensure A Good niGHt's sleep                                 16

        ChapTer 5:
                 sAy 'no' to stress                                          21

        ChapTer 6:
                 enjoy tHe journey to Better BrAin HeAltH                                25

        ChapTer 7:
                 tHe power of friends                                        32

        ChapTer 8:
                 proven memory tricks                                        37

        II                                                                                                           Foreword
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8