Page 141 - FINAL_Guildhall Media Highlights 2019-2020 Coverage Book
P. 141

Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov, as well as the Romances of Taneyev and Cui. Led by Guildhall
               School professor Dr Maria Razumovskaya, the sessions looked at how the nuances of the
               Russian language and the two nations’ cultural histories come together to form the distinct
               sound-world of the Russian romance.

               From 12–16 February, the project moves from London to St Petersburg – the spiritual
               heartland of the Russian romance – and joins the culmination of the city’s celebration of
               Rimsky-Korsakov’s 175th anniversary.

               The project will return to London on 10 March, when London audiences have the opportunity
               to experience an afternoon masterclass led by Iain Burnside and an evening Songs at Six
               concert featuring the Guildhall School musicians.
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