Page 204 - Alison Balsom Quiet City FULL BOOK
P. 204
Kraftwerk synths and an R&B chant of a hookline while the full-on disco
funk of Double Reflection is an opportunity to dance yourself dizzy to an
808 drum machine.
Among the more reflective moments are the yearning rock waltz Your Life Is
Mine and luscious lullaby Sleep, with its disco strings and trip-hop textures
bringing this sleek, smart, stylish pop collection to a close.
Respected electronic composer and producer William Orbit has helped
shape the careers of U2, Madonna… and Harry Enfield, but has swapped
music for painting of late – hence the title of his first album in over eight
years, following a hiatus scarred with substance abuse and ill health.
The Painter is a gentle catharsis, a suite of flowing electronic ambience
punctuated by beatific vocal cameos from previous charges Katie Melua and
Beth Orton and new muses including multi-instrumentalist Georgia,
Columbian singer/songwriter Lido Pimienta, Ghanian-American producer
Gloria Kaba and singer Polly Scattergood who helms the breathy reverie of
Colours Colliding. However, it is the sampled vocals of Tanzanian singer
Hukwe Zawose on the ambient Afrobeat track Heshima kwa Hukwe which
have the most hypnotic effect.