Page 30 - Virtual Benedetti Sessions Coverage Book
P. 30

Benedetti says she found the number of musicians going online in recent weeks
               “overwhelming” and that there was a danger of over-saturation of content.

               However she is determined to ensure she and the foundation she set up last year

               become a “trusted source,” with a series of initiatives, including morning classes
               focusing on the music of British composer Edwin Elgar, lunchtime lessons with guest

               tutors and a teatime talk show.

               She said: “Thank god this is all happening at this time, when the possibility of sharing

               and communicating at least does now exist.

               “I'm still communicating with a lot of people, so I don't feel completely isolated, but the

               space you occupy becomes much more narrow. I don't remember the last time I wasn't

               getting on a place in a few days or having just got off a plane. That in itself is a massive
               adjustment for me.

               “I actually waited a bit to do anything online myself, because it felt like everything that

               was going online was a bit overwhelming. It was almost too much, too soon and not
               quite considered enough.

               "I also had the opportunity for the first time since I don't remember when to just take a
               moment to breathe, so I took that opportunity.

               "But now I feel the choice of what to share, how much to open up and how unregulated
               that is has opened up a whole new set of questions and possibilities. It's a very

               intriguing time.”

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