Page 101 - Final_Coverage Book_Virtual Benedetti Sessions
P. 101

Benedetti says she may rethink her schedule dramatically in future as a series of free
               online classes and workshops she has masterminded over the past three weeks reached

               more than half a million people.

               Benedetti, 32, who has been on tour almost continually since she was 16, suggested she
               may reduce her number of concerts by between a third and a half after easily adjusting

               to being at home for an extended period.

               She insisted she was not “desperate” to return to the live arena and did not believe in

               “sitting around and constantly lusting after something that you can’t do”.

               Benedetti, a long-time advocate of music education, launched her own foundation last
               year to step up the number of workshops and masterclasses she is involved with, and

               also branched out into online classes.

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