Page 20 - Final_Coverage Book_Virtual Benedetti Sessions
P. 20
8 April 2020
How to join virtual orchestras, choirs and music
masterclasses online
An up-to-date round-up of the music and performance masterclasses, workshops, choirs
and ensembles you can take part in online during the coronavirus pandemic
Music lessons from Nicola Benedetti
Every day at 12pm BST, The Benedetti Foundation hosts a lesson or workshop on its Instagram via IGTV and its
Facebook page. It will be then be available to watch on Facebook afterwards. Sessions so far include violinist
Elena Urioste discussing yoga, meditation and the role of wellbeing in performance; games and songs with
cellist David Munn; and a live samba session from percussionist Patrick King.
On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, Nicola Benedetti will go live across all her social media channels to
discuss music and share insights.