Page 77 - Final_Coverage Book_Virtual Benedetti Sessions
P. 77
5 May 2020
Photo credit: The Benedetti Foundation
Violinist Nicola Benedetti will host the sessions
Fiona Simpson
Nicola Benedetti to host free online
4:47, 5th May 2020
Violinist Nicola Benedetti will host tutorial sessions for musicians of all ages
during the coronavirus lockdown.
The Virtual Benedetti Sessions hope to offer organisations across the world a
project to engage with together and to provide uplift and excitement.
Programmes of activity will be available for young musicians, conservatoire
and university level music students, instrumental teachers, adult learners, non-
instrumentalists, amateur musicians, parents and siblings over three weeks
from 11 May.
The sessions will work towards a final weekend of activity on 30 and 31 May
celebrating the coming together of the global music community.