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theatre and jazz singing and has project coordination for the
Who’s Who? dedicated the past few years of her Diversity-in-Education program.
life to studying opera. She was
CELESTE AKIKI JASON ERICKSON featured in SMC's production of She originated the role of The Witch
in the original production of
( F i f i k a , t h e (Lester the Jester) Carmen and was seen here at the Absolutely Halloween in 2004.
Fortune-Teller) studied theatre Playhouse in All About Santa.
began her acting and improv at Tiffany did double duty when she J O S E P H P E R E Z
career as a child Cerritos College. played the titular role and was also (Stuffy Steve) is
and participated He has taken part the editor for the Playhouse’s on- thrilled to be back
i n c o u n t l e s s in various plays demand production of Cinderella at the Playhouse
t h e a t e r and musicals such 2021 during the lockdown. Tiffany a f t e r h i s
workshops in the south of France as All in the Timing and Hair at thanks you for supporting intimate performances in
(Toulouse) performing in Cerritos College, as well as touring theatre and hopes you all enjoy the Author! Author! - an evening with
numerous Molière plays. She with their improv group GIPS where show. Sholom Aleichem, Cinderella,
received her degree in nursing they performed for different schools Dorothy’s Adventures in OZ, Alice
from L'Université de Saint-Joseph in the area. More recently, he has CYDNE MOORE (The Witch) made and the FABULOUS Tea Party, the
in Beirut and during the war, in studied improv at The Second City her Playhouse Family Theatre 2020 live-stream New Years Eve
addition to her nursing duties, Hollywood. He now looks forward to debut in the title role of the original Musical Revue, Beauty and the Beast
taught dance to orphaned refugee getting back on stage in this productions of Cinderella and Alice as well as the Playhouse’s first post-
children. Celeste participated in production. and the Wonderful Tea Party, and lockdown in-person show, the
international workshops and has now “graduated” to the roles of newly-commissioned EVER AFTR
conferences for conflict resolution TIFFANY HAILE Stepmother/ Fairygodmother and TAKE 2. He was first bitten by the
in France, Switzerland, England, ( C a n d y ) i s the Queen of Hearts. An actress- acting bug in high school while
Belgium and Canada, and taught pleased as punch singer-dancer for more than 30 performing Julius Caesar at
in Geneva at Notre Dame du Lac. to be reprise the years, Cydne has appeared in Theatricum Botanicum. Since then,
She believes that theater and the role of Candy for numerous Playhouse productions, Joseph has gone on to receive his
arts are a vital part of life. They t h i s y e a r ’ s including Actually,Mary-Mary, degree in Religious Studies from UC
help us stay true to ourselves. H a l l o w e e n Dorothy’s Adventures in Oz, Alias Riverside while also pursuing his
Playhouse performances include production. For Santa Claus, Snowhite (World love of art history and linguistics.
Ionesco's The Bald Soprano, A the past two years Premiere) and The Adventures of For the past several years, he has
Playhouse New Year's, And she has been living out her fairytale Little Red (which she performed at been Assistant Manager at The
Awaaay We Go, Little Red Riding dreams playing the titular characters the Playhouse and for the overseas Pasadena Antique Center Annex
Hood, Barnyard Madness, Alice in Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, premieres in England and Japan). and was involved behind-the-
and the Wonderful Tea Party, Snowhite, Alice and the Wonderful Favorite productions include scenes with several productions and
Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Tea Party for the Playhouse's Family choreography for the American a series of Cabaret Nights fund-
Dorothy's Adventures in Oz and Theatre and School Theatre Premiere of the 1940s musical raising events for the American Fine
Absolutely Halloween! A language Excursion Projects and was recently Canteen: A Reconnaissance of War Arts Academy. Joseph performs
specialist, Celeste also teaches seen in the world premiere musicals and Other Unnatural Disasters, regularly in Cinderella, Alice and
French at L'Alliance Française. She Annie Oakley and the Princess Café costumes for the West Coast the Wonderful Tea Party, Dorothy’s
considers Santa Monica Playhouse and Finding Belle. A graduate of the premiere of the Rae-Wyse- Adventures in OZ and Beauty and
her home far away from home. Hamilton Academy of music, Tiffany Waldman musical Funny, You Don’t the Beast for the Playhouse Schools
made a shift from studying musical Look Like A Grandmother, and Field Trip Program. During the