Page 17 - Program Abs Hal 2023
P. 17

Playhouse  Modern  Comedy  Series  and  is  technical  director  for  the   AS WE CONTINUE
 Playhouse's Benefit Series.
                   OUR nH DECADE
 SANDRA ZEITZEW (Public  Relations Director)  has been with the Playhouse
 since  1990.  Projects  include  the  English  Shakespeare  Company's  LA
 premiere of God say Amen ... Themes from the Wars of the Roses, Agnes   WE NEED YOUR HELP
 Bernelle's  Empress  Eugenie  and  Black  Champagne,  countless  ART
 productions,  and  more  than  150  Benefit  Series  productions  featuring
 such renowned artists as Laraine Newman, Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner,   Everyone has suffered during these last surreal months, and
 Melanie Chartoff, Minda Burr and the late Dan Lewks, Kelly Carlin, Karen   theatres are no exception. Please think about what the
 Knotts,  and  grammy-award  winner  Harriet  Schock.  She  co-produced   Playhouse means to you. And what the arts mean to our
 Brian  Connors' Plays  in the Park starring  Ed Asner,  George Segal,  Esai   community. And then help.
 Morales and Mark Rydell.
       $10 a month from each of you would keep our doors open
 SPECIAL  THANKS  to  Mark  Leslie,  Celeste  Akiki,  Sarai  Jimenez,   forever.  But even a one-time donation will be vital to keep us
 Alejandra  Nunez, Angela Tuckerman, Sheila Salo,  Punk and Carrot for   going through 2022.
 translations  of  the  magical  spells;  to  Felicitas  "Feechen"  Wall  for
 inspiring  the  ''.Any  Road"  melody;  and  to  George  J  Vennes,  Patricia   PLEASE CONSIDER ...
 Williams  and  Sandra  Zeitzew,  and  of  course  Chris  DeCarlo  &  Evelyn
 Rudie for their invaluable assistance.
       A ONE-TIME CONTRIBUTION of $100 to $10,000+
       A MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION in any amount
 • •  •  FOR THE PLAYHOUSE  • •  •   For $500 you will receive a seat plaque with your name on it

       in the Main Stage, The Other Space or the Artists' Entrance
 Artistic Directors CHRIS DeCARLO & EVELYN RUDIE   Studio Upstairs, your choice until they run out.  $1000+ will
 Public  Relations Director SANDRA ZEITZEW   get you a larger Wall Plaque, too.
 Technical  Director GEORGE J VENNES Ill
 Education Consultants RACHEL GALPER, CAMMY TRUONG
 Education Coordinator/PRIDE  Director  GRAHAM SILBERT   CLICK HERE TO DONATE
 Social Media  Director/CE!  Advisor JOSEPH PEREZ
 Box Office Manager PAT WILLIAMS
 House Announcer GREG MABRY   And please pass this on to a friend or neighbor or relative
 Maintenance Engineer  JESSE LAWRENCE   and ask them to help as well!  10 for 10 (10 friends at $10
 Videographer BOB HUCUL   each) would make an incredible difference!
 Archivist MARTY COHEN
 Adult Education Associate Director BERKELEY SANJAY   Remember that we're a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational
 Associate Director Emeritus JOHN WAROFF   corporation. All contributions are fully tax-deductible!
 Associate Directors  (UK)
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