Page 37 - Schools Collection 2018
P. 37


            Your brochure                   Product specification
            We’ve designed this brochure to help you find   All products featured in the brochure are correct
            everything you need with ease. Every product   at the time of publish; however, no responsibility
            is listed with codes, product details, quantities   can be taken by the seller for any product that
            available, print methods and specifications and   may be altered or withdrawn by the manufacturer.
            colour choices. Where a product has multiple   E. & O.E.
            branding methods available, we have listed the
            dimensions and pricing for the first branding
            method listed, unless otherwise stated.  Colour reproduction
                                            Please note, that we cannot exactly match
                                            Pantone colours on dark coloured items or nylon
            Getting the most from your product  products and the shade of the printed colour may
            We want to make your budget work harder   vary slightly if printed onto different surfaces. For
            for you, so we offer expert product planning   embroidered items, you can select up to fifteen
            and support. We are experts when it comes to   colours from the full Madeira range.
            promotional merchandise and will help you to find
            the perfect items for your needs. We can supply
            printed proofs as pre-production samples. For   Artwork
            costs and lead times, please contact our sales   To achieve a high quality, clear print, it is essential
            team.                           to use good quality artwork. We can advise and
                                            help you with this, to help you get the most from
                                            your chosen product. Any artwork will be charged
            Our product range               at minimum commercial rates.
            We have researched and sourced products
            from around the world to bring you an extensive
            collection to choose from. This range includes a   Plain goods
            comprehensive selection of items made here in   We offer a discount on any items taken without
            Britain, just look out for our ‘Made in Britain’ icon   print (unless already priced as plain). This
            throughout the brochure.        discount will vary according to the product and its
                                            quantity, please contact us for details.
            Getting your message seen
            We offer a wide range of branding methods for   Logos
            you to choose from, these are listed against   The logos, names and trademarks shown on
            each relevant product. We also offer a large   products in this brochure do not necessarily
            selection of items with full colour digital print, to   imply that the products have been endorsed by
            help you display full colour images, fine detail and   the owners, but are designed to represent the
            gradients at exceptionally high quality. Look out   effect that can be achieved through creative
            for the digital print icon throughout the brochure.  personalisation.

            Pricing information             Exceptional circumstances
            Prices shown are the unit price for the quantity   The seller reserves the right, by giving notice to
            stated. Unless otherwise stated prices include   the buyer at any time before delivery, to increase
            marking in one colour, in one position. Where   the price of the goods to reflect any increase in
            there are multiple branding options, prices are   the cost to the seller which is due to any factor
            shown for the first method listed. For additional   beyond the control of the seller (such as, without
            print costs, such as multiple colour print, or digital   limitation, any foreign exchange fluctuation,
            print, please contact our sales team.  currency regulation, alteration of duties, significant
                                            increases in the costs of labour, materials or other
                                            costs of manufacture), any change in delivery
            Prices are exclusive of VAT. All screen,   dates, quantities or specifications for the goods
            origination and blocking dies are charged   which is requested to the buyer, or any delay
            extra. Carriage charges will be applied to   caused by the instructions of the buyer to give the
            all orders.                     seller adequate information or instructions.

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