Page 341 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 341
one, four, and nine patch 339
Trip Around the World Postage Stamp 1930s. eBay purchase from vendor French72 (Mark French). 42"x49"
Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Thin and smooth. Backing: Cotton with illegible ink marks of recycled feed sacks
or flour bags. Edge: White edge is machined to the front and sewed nearly invisibly in back. Piecing: By
machine. Quilting: Diagonal rows ¾" apart by hand seven stitches to the inch. Condition: Excellent. Postage
stamps are 7⁄8" wide plus seams. I wanted a postage stamp quilt to fill in a blank for this popular design in
my collection.
Figure 297: Trip Around the World
Postage Stamp