Page 13 - Muskoka Lakes Museum, Proposal from TCI
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5. Consultants Skill Set Summary
As mentioned, TCI Management Consultants and Reich+Petch have joined forces for this project. Below we briefly describe the experience and skills of each of the firms (including the projects where they have worked together) and then introduce our study team. Resumes for team members and samples of recent projects are included as Appendices to this submission.
5.1 Experience of the Firms
TCI Management Consultants
Formed in 1991 and based in Toronto and BC, TCI Management Consultants is a management consulting firm that specializes in tourism, culture, heritage and the creative arts. We have worked for a wide range of cultural and heritage organizations including museums and historic sites; event venues; festivals and events: performing arts organizations; libraries; film festivals; live music events; art galleries. Our clients have included municipal parks and recreation departments; economic development agencies; destination marketing organizations; downtown revitalization agencies; and all levels of municipal, provincial and federal government.
TCI has done extensive work for small-scale rural and community museums and historic sites. This work has included:
• strategic plans and ‘transformation’ strategies
• planning studies and master plans (typically with an architectural firm) • feasibility studies and business plans
• service reviews
• organization reviews
• marketing and branding studies
A sample of our museum, and other arts and culture clients, includes the following:
13 TCI Management Consultants