Page 25 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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 Credit Valley Conservation Authority Master Plans (2012)
In association with Schollen & Company, TCI was involved in the development of master plans for four conservation areas: Ken Whillans; Terra Cotta; Belfountain; and Island Lake. TCI’s role was to participate in the planning process, estimate attendance, and determine the financial impact of the final master plans developed upon the Authority.
RTO 1 (Ontario’s Southwest) Port Opportunities Study (2011)
TCI participated in a study (with Millier Dickenson Blais and the Planning Partnership) of waterfront and port-based tourism development opportunities in the RTO 1 area. TCI’s role was to visit each of the port communities, identify and assess opportunities, and recommend ways and means of implementing and realizing them.
RTO 4 Strategic Planning Study (2010)
Working in association with Millier Dickenson Blais, TCI participated in the development of an overall strategic plan for the RTO 4 area, which stretches from Guelph to Goderich in southern Ontario. The assignment involved a series of workshop sessions across the region to obtain input, and then the development of a strategic plan to realize and capitalize upon the opportunities identified. The plan was adopted by the organization and is being implemented.
South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) Strategic Plan and Web Site Development (2010)
With GGA Management Consultants, TCI undertook two projects for the SCOR region of southern Ontario; first was to develop a strategic plan for the organization, based upon a realistic assessment of the types of development opportunities and strengths facing the region; and the second was the development of a web portal with various services for entrepreneurs and fledgling new businesses throughout the area.
Recent Relevant Experience
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