Page 23 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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The Canadian Canoe Museum Expansion and Relocation Study (2013)
The Canadian Canoe Museum (CCC) is located in an industrial area in the north end of Peterborough. The purpose of this project was to develop a strategy for the Museum to relocate and expand into larger premises in the downtown and located in the waterfront. With Reich + Petch Architects and KCI Fundraisers we developed a strategy for the museum to accomplish this key goal.
Town of Huntsville Arts, Culture & Heritage Strategy (2010)
TCI prepared an arts, culture and heritage strategy for the Town of Huntsville as one of several studies following from an overall strategic plan undertaken for the Town. This project involved a very intensive consultation process including a public survey, a business survey, interviews, workshop sessions and an open house. The strategy was adopted by the municipality in 2011 and has been used to guide the policies and activities of the Town with respect to arts, culture and heritage activities since that time.
Recent Relevant Experience
Woodchester Villa (Bracebridge) Revitalization Study (2012)
In association with Golder Associates, TCI participated in the development of a revitalization plan for Woodchester Villa, one of the oldest buildings in Bracebridge and a key underutilized asset of the community. The detailed plan contained initiatives for the repair and revitalization of the site, in order to accommodate more community use and visitor interest. TCI’s role was to examine the business case and community cost elements of the overall plan.
Woodchester Villa, Bracebridge
Town of Nipigon Waterfront Revitalization Study (2012)
TCI participated as the economic consultants in a larger consortium that was developing a revitalization plan for the Nipigon waterfront. This was done within the context of Nipigon being designated as a major focal point within the designated Lake Superior North Shore National Marine Conservation Area. The plan incorporated public and private sector elements in an overall strategy to encourage greater use of this key community asset. The plan was developed based upon extensive public input, but tempered with a realistic market assessment of the possibilities and options available to the Town. A number of opportunities were assessed, and those that had the greatest potential carried forward into the plan.
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020