Page 21 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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 Town of Huntsville Arts, Culture & Heritage Strategy (2010)
TCI prepared an arts, culture and heritage strategy for the Town of Huntsville. The Strategy as one of several studies flowing from an overall strategic plan undertaken by the Town. This project involved an intensive consultation process including a public survey, a business survey, interviews, workshop sessions and an open house. The Strategy was adopted by the Town in 2011. Since that time, it has been used to guide the policies and activities of the Town concerting arts, culture and heritage activities.
Lunenburg Heritage Sustainability Strategy (2010)
TCI led a consortium of consultants in the development of a Heritage Sustainability Strategy for Lunenburg, Nova Scotia - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The strategy explored ways and means of preserving Lunenburg’s unique history and heritage, ensuring the town remained a viable commercial area while functioning as a sustainable tourist attraction. The project also resulted in the updating of the Town’s Heritage By-Law, which governed the types of development and property improvements that were sanctioned within the heritage area.
Cambridge Cultural Strategy (2010)
TCI created a cultural strategy for the City of Cambridge in 2010. This Strategy was developed based on an intensive public consultation process involving surveys, focus groups and interviews with. cultural representatives from the community. The final Strategy was adopted by Council in the fall of 2010. It has been used to influence the. City’s cultural investments since that time.
The chart on the following page presents a summary of selected cultural projects.
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