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 District of West Vancouver Arts and Culture Strategy (2018)
In association with the consulting firm MDB Insight, TCI developed an Arts and Culture Strategy for the District of West Vancouver, one of the most affluent communities in Canada. TCI’s particular role was to examine the distribution of cultural facilities throughout the community (i.e., places and spaces), and make recommendations regarding the provision and upkeep of these assets. As well, recommendations were made for new facilities in the community, designed to address key gaps in provision. The plan was adopted by the municipality in the spring of 2018.
Mississauga Museums and Heritage Planning Strategic Plan (2016)
TCI spearheaded a team of consultants that developed an integrated strategic plan for the ‘Museums’ and ‘Heritage Planning’ units of the City of Mississauga. The philosophy underlying the strategy was that heritage planning and the museums functions within the city shared common cause in terms of identifying and interpreting the common stories of Mississauga. The approach underlying the development of the strategy as on ‘storytelling’, consulting the community to identify the meaningful and relevant stories they wanted to see reflected in heritage planning and museum exhibits.
City of Niagara Falls Culture Plan (2014)
This plan developed a road map for the City to guide its future investment in facilities, programs and activities in support of the arts, culture and heritage sector. The study process involved extensive data collection, including interviews with various representatives of arts, culture and heritage organizations; selected municipal staff and members of Council; a survey of cultural organizations in the city; a widely promoted community survey; focus groups with key arts and heritage sectors; two open houses; and a benchmarking assessment of other communities with two presentations to Council. We conducted a review of various City owned facilities in Niagara Falls for possible cultural uses; a SWOT assessment of the community to identify key issues; an interactive cultural mapping portal; and over 20 recommendations to increase the community’s support for cultural activities.
Town of Greater Napanee Arts, Culture & Heritage Strategy (2013)
In association with the St. Clements Group, TCI prepared an arts, culture and heritage strategy for the Town of Greater Napanee. This project involved an intensive consultation process including a public survey, a business survey, interviews, workshop sessions and an open house.
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