Page 52 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 52

The Voice         Newsletter Guidelines

                                      Only articles meeting the criteria below will be published:
                                      • Email your submissions to
                                      • Indicate in the subject line of your email: “The Voice” volume, edition, chapter name and

                                           category of all electronic submissions (i.e. The Voice, Summer Edition, Rose City Chapter,
                                           Top Teens News)
                                      • Chapter newsletters, flyers and end of year reports are not accepted.
                                      • All documents must be submitted using Microsoft Word. PDF format not permitted.
                                      • Use Garamond font, 11-point font.
                                      • All articles must be 250 words or less.
                                      • Include chapter name, area, city and state and headline of article.
                                      • One photo per article. Include photo captions (i.e. name the people featured in the pho-
                                      • All submissions are subject to editing and potential exclusion based on timeliness of con-
                                      • Submissions must be written in reporter format, excluding words such as “we”, “our”
                                           and “us”.
                                      • For the “Chapter News” section, submit an article for your chapters proudest Five Star
                                      • All photos must be submitted in a jpeg, png or any other high resolution format without
                                           borders around the photos.

             Deadline to Submit Articles

                       Submission deadline for the next edition of

                             “The Voice” is

                                   September 1, 2017

                                Please submit all articles to Lady Velda A. Hunter at thevoicettanewsletter@yahooom

         The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1
   47   48   49   50   51   52