Page 16 - 2019 Ladies Conference Guide
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Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.®®
                                             Syn-Lod Conference Guide

                                       June 26 - July 2, 2019 | Atlanta, GA

            Events Summary

                                         Friday, June 28, 2019

              Community Beautification Walk/Scavenger Hunt
              This is a perfect way to start the day off with a brisk walk or a leisurely stroll, your choice. Please
              join the Community Beautification Committee in this endeavor. An inside option will be
              provided in case of inclement weather. We will also take this time to add some fun and provide a
              list of items for you to look for as you stroll along your merry way. You will also form teams and
              continue to look for items pertaining to TLOD history.
              Silent Auction
              We are asking for donations of items with a minimum value of $50.00. After you make your
              donation, then come back and buy something unique that someone else donated. Donate that
              white elephant gift, regift that gift that does not work for you but may be perfect for someone
              else, clean out your closet! It’s all for a good cause.
              This is How We Do It: Chapter Operations the TLOD Way (Part 2)
              This is a continuation of the workshops from Thursday.
              Pop-Up Wellness Clinic
              Start your morning off with a blood pressure reading, information about diabetes, alzheimers,
              heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. Learn lifestyle tips that will enable you to live a long and healthy
              life, as well as, be your own best advocate for your healthcare.
              Partner Workshops
              These workshops are provided by our partners to keep us informed and up-to-date on the causes
              that we advocate. They will include Keep America Beautiful; AARP; UNCF; and NCNW.
              President’s Reception/TTA Alumni 50th Anniversary Hall of Fame Meet & Greet
              As we are celebrating the 50th year of Top Teens of America, please come help the current
              National TLOD and TTA President welcome the former National TTA Presidents as we take a
              walk through memory lane down to the Hall of Fame.

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