Page 24 - 2019 Ladies Conference Guide
P. 24

Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.®®
                                             Syn-Lod Conference Guide

                                       June 26 - July 2, 2019 | Atlanta, GA

       Workshop Facilitators,
     Recorders and Technology

              To make the Workshops and Institutes flow smoothly at the conference, we are seeking volunteers
              to serve as Facilitators, Recorders and Technology Technicians. As a technology technician, you
              would operate the laptops in the sessions. The Institutes and Workshops are Thursday and Friday.
              If you would like to volunteer, please complete the form and return by May 31, 2019.
              Name: _______________________________________________
              Chapter: _____________________________________________
              Email Address: ________________________________________
              Arrival Date and Time: __________________________________
              Please indicate which role you will fill by checking the appropriate box.
              	Facilitator			Recorder			Technology Technician

                                                             Please email form to:
                                                              Lady Emily J. Jones
                               National Leadership Development and Succession Planning Chairman

24 Investing in V.A.L.U.E.S. that Support, Enhance, and Sustain
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