Page 11 - T7 - Next Generation Rack
P. 11

Tecnosteel’s answer to the      B.I.M.                                BadeCube
requirements of safety, energy  Bladeshelter Infrastructure   High efficiency corridor
saving and modularity for       Management is Tecnosteel’s
modern Datacenters.             hardware and software system         containment
B.E.S.T is the implementation   for management and remote
of these concepts by using the  monitoring
complete Bladeshelter system

ActiPower                                                         BadeCooling
Intelligent                                                   In-row precision
system for power                                              cooling systems
distribution and
consumption                                                                         BladeRunner & TiPatch
monitoring                                                                                  Integrated cabling
                                                                                           distribution system
                       Detection and fire fighting
                       system inside the racks
                       and corridors
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