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in the U.S., accounts for 13.8 million missed school   presenting districts with a “prime opportunity to
           days annually.  Norovirus outbreaks have triggered   intervene and protect the health of children.”
           countless school shutdowns; so have allergy-inducing
           mould infestations, driven in part by climate change.   However, even school districts with modern
           During severe flu seasons, it’s not uncommon for   buildings and above-average attendance can
           absenteeism to exceed 25%, prompting entire        benefit from such interventions. In some states, an
           districts to close.                                attendance increase of less than 1% can bring in
                                                              more than $1 million annually from state aid.

                                                              “We know that if students are in school, they will
                                                              learn from our dynamic teachers, and we will get
                                                              more state aid to make education more engaging
                                                              and fun,” says Bob Molisani, superintendent of the
                                                              Caledonia-Mumford Central School District in New
                                                              York. To improve upon its 94% to 96% attendance
                                                              rate, Molisani’s district upgraded its surface cleaning
                                                              protocols and installed air purification technology in
                                                              its buildings and, unlike neighboring districts,
                                                              weathered a severe flu season without a dip in
                                                              attendance. 7

                                                              This paper covers six health-related causes of
                                                              absenteeism, all linked to indoor air quality, and
           According to Harvard’s “Schools for Health” report,   explains what schools can do, despite budget
           46% of U.S. public schools — an estimated 60,000   constraints, to keep students and staff breathing
           school buildings — face air quality challenges,    clean, healthy air.

           “Every Day Counts”:

           The High Cost of Absenteeism

           Chronic absenteeism — missing at least 10% of      Even schools with relatively high average attendance
           the school year, about 18 days in most districts   are not immune to the effects of absenteeism.
           — is widespread and begins early. In the U.S.,     “Statistically, 94% attendance sounds great, but for
           10% of kindergarteners and first-graders are       an individual kid, missing 10 or 12 days is a lot,” says
           chronically absent,  as are 16% of students overall.    John
           In particularly stressed cities such as Baltimore and   Polito, a schools health and safety consultant in
           Detroit, an alarming 25% to 57% of students miss 20   Western New York. “And it’s difficult for a teacher
           days in a single school year. 10,11                when a portion of your class is two days behind.” 14

           The U.S. Department of Education considers chronic   Chronically absent students, such as those who
           absenteeism a “hidden educational crisis.” 12      suffer frequent asthma attacks, are less likely than
                                                              their peers to read proficiently by third grade;  in
           The effects are profound and long-lasting. “Any    turn, they are less likely to succeed in middle school
           time you lose instruction time with kids, it becomes   and four times less likely to graduate high school.
           difficult to get caught up,” says Paul Ziegler, executive   Students chronically absent between eighth and
           director at EducationPlus, a cooperative of 53 school   twelfth grades are over seven times more likely
           districts around St. Louis, Missouri. 13           to drop out than students who attend regularly.

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