Page 18 - Cannon Data Campus Brochure 3Roda
P. 18


                                                                      MOD U L A R ,   C OOL I N G,  EF F E C T I V E

                                                                        MODULAR space frames are
                                                                        assembled using standard tool

                     High COP water chillers and dry
                      coolers are sized to suit the
                     specific resilience and cooling
                           levels required.

                Power and control cabling is
                   routed as necessary.

                                                                Chilled water inlet and output
                                                                pipework is provided and may
                                                               cater for Phase 1 through to Phase
                                                                      5 requirements.

                 T :   + 44( 0) 142 5 632600   |  CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K   |  S A LE S @ CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K
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