Page 2 - Cannon Data Campus Brochure 3Roda
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                                                                                                SM A LL T O  B I G

                                       W H Y   M O D ULA R  D ATA  C E N T RE S?

        INTRODUCTION                                             SINGLE USER or MULTI USER FACILITIES
        The Modular Cannon Data Campus range offers two          Cannon Data Campus is available in a range of user
        major advantages :-                                      options.
         Exceptional financial advantages for investors.         Single User, enterprise floor plans
         Greatly improved facility performance across all        Multi user, segregated access to individual Data Halls
           critical operational metrics.                         SINGLE USER, SINGLE ENTERPRISE FACILITY - In this
        Financial Advantages - Cannon Data Campus provides an    configuration, all individual Data Halls and aisles are
        investor friendly business.  The historical and painful   accessible by authorised personnel.
        requirement for big bang upfront investment is replaced   MULTI USER FACILITY - The Multi User facility provides
        by phased, “pay-as-you-earn” investment.
                                                                 physical and electronic access control to individual Data
        Benefits include :-                                      Halls and to specific Aisles, enabling segregated and
                                                                 highly secure regimes to be operated with positive
         Reduced Capex                                          security and full remote monitoring and alarms via
         Lower Opex                                             "Cannon Secure", a module within Cannon DCIM.
         Positive cash flow                                     Security levels can be scaled up to extreme protection,
         Early Profit                                           to protect against extreme threats.
         Less exposure to slow growth, financial losses
         Greater return on capital employed                     MIXED USE - The Modular nature of this design enables
                                                                 a mix of single user and segregated multi user , in any
        Advantages for Facility Managers - Best of Breed         floor plan .
        infrastructure and a modern scientific approach ensures
        high reliability and resilience, cutting edge efficiency and
        lower power consumption with low carbon footprint.
        Scalable, grow-able facilities cope with requirement        Cannon Data Campus ‘PODS’ can provide
                                                                    individual halls for exact power & cooling
        changes and provide protection against obsolescence            for standard or extreme densities
        and technology changes.  Holistic DCIM protects uptime
        and keeps management well informed, easing work load.

        Extreme power and cooling densities are easily catered
        for ensuring maximised opportunity.

                                                                 Cannon Data Campus PODS provide individual data halls
                                                                 of any size, typically ten to fifty racks, designed to fit out
                                                                 a shell building in a phased, economical programme.
        IN BRIEF - ‘Cannon Data Campus’ is a high performance    Individual capabilities, cooling and power can be
        low PUE, resilient data centre, built using modern       different for each POD enabling exact tailoring and
        technology to provide an expandable facility, comprising   extreme densities.
        individual modules, each with a dedicated purpose,       Mission critical infrastructure options are similar
        maximising efficiency.                                   throughout all data campus solutions enabling exact
        Facilities range from ten racks to hundreds of racks and   requirements to be satisfied, by use of standard sub-
        multi-megawatts of power, but with investor friendly     modules.  All performance metrics are best of breed.
        phased growth options.
                 T :   + 44( 0) 142 5 632600   |  CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K   |  S A LE S @ CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K
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