Page 9 - noopli Brochure 3R
P. 9


 AL (out)
 AL (in)
 AL (out)  Stores  Inspection area                  Warehouse Area 1
                                                                                                         Placement within less
 AL (out)
 Production area
                                                                                                    critical and sensitive areas.
 AL (in)
 Production area                                                                            In addition to sensitive/critical areas, other areas can also benefit from Noopli,
                                                                                            including; warehousing areas, areas connected to spine corridors, entrance
 Clean in Place
 AL (in)                                             Warehouse Area 2                         and exits to changing/gowning areas, plus many more. It’s important to
                                                                                            consider the entire facility and how the management of contamination can be
 AL (out)  AL (in)  Corridor  Lab  AL                                                        designed from the entrance of a facilities, right up to highly sensitive areas.
                                                                                            Noopli of course is not the total solution, but can form an important part of the
                                                                                                                       entire strategy.
 Prep        Mal
                       Spine Corridor
 Prep  Prep  Pal (out)                                                                        Within areas that are considered ‘less sensitive’ but require some form of
                                                                                                contamination/particle control we suggest the below product types:
 AL  Pal (in)
             Locker area                             Warehouse Area 3
      Pal (in)
 Mal (in)
 AL (in)  Corridor  AL (out)

 AL (out)     Female wc
 AL (in)  Showers
 Clean in Place
                                                                                                        The primary objective of Noopli mats is to protect those areas
 Mal (in)
 Production area  Showers                                                                               deemed critical. For example facilities such as the one on the
                                                                                                       left, the strategy is create a protective ring around production/
               Male wc
      Pal (out)                                                                                         product. This ensures any foot or wheeled traffic will have (at
 Mal (in)                                             Warehouse Area 4                                           some point) travelled across Noopli.
 Production area
      Pal (in)  Locker area
 AL (out)  Stores  Stores

 AL  AL (out)

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