Page 49 - Time_To_Talk_-_Pre-Intermediate
P. 49

In this lesson: Tell people about good places to go in your area

                                     Grammar: Superlative adjectives

                    City Break Holidays

                                                   /RQGRQ LV WKH ODUJHVW  PRVW         /RQGRQ KDV VRPH RI WKH PRVW
                                            FRVPRSROLWDQ FLW\ LQ (XURSH DQG WKH PRVW
                                                                                EHDXWLIXO SDUNV LQ WKH ZRUOG  PDQ\ H[FHOOHQW
                                            SRSXODU WRXULVW GHVWLQDWLRQ LQ WKH ZRUOG  2YHU
                                                                                IUHH PXVHXPV  DQG IDQWDVWLF VKRSSLQJ  ,W DOVR
                                               PLOOLRQ SHRSOH YLVLW WKH FLW\ HYHU\ \HDU – LW©V
                                                                                KDV VRPH RI WKH EHVW WKHDWUHV  EXW ERRN LQ
                                            HDV\ WR VHH ZK\
                                                                                DGYDQFH LI \RX ZDQW WR FDWFK D VKRZ
                                                   3DULV LV IRU ORYHUV  &RPH WR WKH      *RRG WLPHV DUH JXDUDQWHHG LQ WKH
                                            PRVW URPDQWLF FLW\ LQ WKH ZRUOG IRU WKH
                                                                                EHDXWLIXO 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ FLW\ RI %DUFHORQD
                                            PRVW URPDQWLF KROLGD\ RI \RXU OLIH
                                                                                %DUFHORQD LV IDPRXV IRU LWV QLJKW PDUNHWV
                                            7DNH D ERDW WULS GRZQ WKH 6HLQH  FOLPE
                                                                                %DUFHORQD KDV ORWV WR RIIHU LQ WKH GD\ WRR
                                            WKH (LIIHO 7RZHU  DQG YLVLW WKH &KDPSV
                                                                                $ IDQWDVWLF EHDFK  JUHDW DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG
                                            (O\VHHV – WKH PRVW IDVKLRQDEOH VWUHHW LQ
                                                                                RI FRXUVH  WKH IDPRXV /DV 5DPEODV VWUHHW
                                            WKH ZRUOG
                                                                                :LWK VWUHHW SHUIRUPHUV  VWDOOV DQG OLYH
                                                   :KHQ \RX ZDQW D UHVW  \RX FDQ   PXVLF  /DV 5DPEODV LV WKH OLYHOLHVW VWUHHW LQ
                                            UHOD[ LQ D FDIé DQG ZDWFK WKH ZRUOG JR   6SDLQ
                                            E\  <RX PXVW WU\ WKH FUHSHV – WKH PRVW
                                           GHOLFLRXV LQ WKH ZRUOG


           3  a  Look at the holiday brochure above. What cities are shown in the pictures?
              Read the brochure and check your ideas.

              b  Work with a partner.
              Read the holiday brochure for weekend breaks to three famous European cities and find the answers

              to the questions below.

              Underline the places in the brochure where you find the answers.
               1   Why is London a good place to go if you like parks?
               2   Why is London a good place for people who like going to the theatre?
               3   Why is the Champs Elysees a good place to go if you are interested in clothes?
               4   Why is Paris a good place to go if you like crepes?

               5   Why is Barcelona a good place to go if you like nightlife?

              c  Read the brochure again and circle YES or NO to answer the questions below.
               1   Is there a larger city in Europe than London?...............................................  Yes  /  No
               2   Is there a more popular tourist destination than London? ...........................  Yes  /  No
               3   Is there a more fashionable street than the Champs Elysees? ................   Yes  /  No

               4   Is there a livelier street in Spain than Las Ramblas? .....................................  Yes  /  No

           4  Which city break would you like to go on? Why?

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