Page 4 - Wings CRS Recruiting Booklet SM_Neat
P. 4



           The Mission of Wings CRS…It’s about Time!

               The mission of Wings CRS is to develop          purpose to save more lives and reduce property
        a formidable neutral, international “rapid re-         damage and economic loss.
        sponse team” to answer any catastrophe within                 The Disaster Reduction Mission will part-

        the first 6 critical hours with the worldwide sup-     ner with member nations to reduce the impact
        port of over 10,000 of the best trained disaster       of occurring natural disasters that bring risks to
        response professionals, mission specific equip-        the member nation and identify and design and
        ment, tools, and materials supported by its au-                                              implement
        tonomous fleet of                                                                            an engi-
        mission-purposed                                                                             neered solu-
        aircraft based at                                                                            tion, whether
        4 regional operat-                                                                           it be infra-
        ing centers.
                                                                                                     structure en-
               We be-                                                                                hancements
        lieve firmly that                                                                            such as
        a rapid response                                                                             creating
        is critical as in                                                                            seawalls or
        most disasters                                                                               raise housing
        the majority of                                                                              for tsunami
        its victims die                                                                              prone areas,
        of hypothermia,                                                                              or create
        or dehydration                                                                               channels for
        after 48- 76 hours                                                                           areas prone
        because the stan-                                                                            to lava flows
        dard response time today is too slow.  Wings           or relocating at-risk populations to a safer loca-

        CRS would be capable to answer any catastro-           tion.
        phe with expertise and precision well beyond                  While the effects of natural disasters
        the present existing capability of any military        cannot totally be eliminated, Wings CRS’ Re-
        airlift or NGO, setting itself apart from other        search & Development Mission will create new
        legacy humanitarian aid organizations.
                                                               tools and technologies in the areas of aviation,
               Two additional ongoing missions of Wings  medical, disaster prevention, agriculture and
        CRS, the DISASTER REDUCTION MISSIONS and the  environmental systems and implement these
        RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT MISSION will work               developments to enhance the Wings mission
        together to create solutions with the focus and        and create a better, safer world.

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