Page 9 - SHEQ-POL-052 Xperien PAIA Manual
P. 9

•   Service records;
                                                                 •   Statutory records;
                                                                 •   Internal policies and procedures;
                                                                 •   Minutes of meetings.
                 Personnel records                            Any personal records provided to us by our
                 For the purposes of this section, “personnel”  personnel;
                 means  any  person  who  works  for  or         •   Any  records  a  third  party  has
                 provides services to or on behalf of Xperien        provided  to  us  about  any  of  their
                 and  receives  or  is  entitled  to  receive  any   personnel;
                 remuneration  and  any  other  person  who      •   Conditions  of  employment  and
                 assists  in  carrying  out  or  conducting  the     other personnel-related contractual
                 business of Xperien. This includes partners,        and quasi legal records;
                 directors,  all  permanent,  temporary  and     •   Employment        policies      and
                 part-time staff as well as consultants and          procedures;
                 contract workers.                               •   Internal  evaluation  and  disciplinary
                                                                     records; and

                                                                 •   Other    internal   records     and
                 Client-related records                       Contracts with the client and between the
                                                              client and other persons;
                 Other third-party records                       •   Personnel, client, or Xperien records
                 Records are kept in respect of other parties,       which are held by another party as
                 including  without  limitation  joint  ventures     opposed  to  being  held  by  Xperien;
                 and  consortia  to  which  Xperien  is  a  party,   and
                 contractors and sub-contractors, suppliers,     •   Records  held  by  Xperien  pertaining
                 service   providers,   and   providers   of         to  other  parties,  including  financial
                 information  regarding  general  market             records,           correspondence,
                 conditions.  In  addition,  such  other  parties    contractual     records,    records
                 may possess records which can be said to            provided  by  the  other  party,  and
                 belong to Xperien.                                  records third parties have provided
                                                                     about the contractors or suppliers.

               11.  REQUEST PROCEDURE

               11.1.  Completion of the prescribed form

               Any request for access to a record in terms of PAIA must substantially correspond with
               Appendix B, specific in terms of the record requested. Please complete the prescribed form
               attached hereto as Appendix A (REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO RECORD OF PRIVATE BODY FORM)
               and submit it to the Information Officer at the postal or physical address or electronic mail

      (See Appendix A hereto.)

               A request for access to information which does not comply with the terms and guidelines
               of PAIA will be returned to you.

              SHEQ-POL-052 v0 Sep 2021
              Approved by: W. Arewa
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