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New Genizah Documents 13*
prescriptions),20commercial aspects21 as well as catalogues of medical fragments
in other Genizah collections.22
The Genizah contains thousands of letters on various issues. Many have been
published by scholars such as Mann,23 Goitein,24 Gil,25 Friedman26 and others.
Some of these letters deal directly with medical issues. We present here below
of Sa¯bu¯r Ibn Sahl al-Aqra¯ba¯dh¯ın al-Sagh¯ır ‘, Early Science and Medicine 13 (2008),
pp. 361y383; E. Lev and L. Chipman˙, ‘Two Fragments of Judeo-Arabic Manuscripts of
Sa¯bu¯r Ibn Sahl’s al-Aqra¯ba¯dh¯ın al-Sagh¯ır Found in the Taylor-Schechter Cairo Genizah
Collection’, Medieval Encounters 1˙3 (2007), pp. 347y362; E. Lev, L. Chipman, and F.
Niessen, ‘A Hospital Handbook for the Community: Evidence for the Extensive Use of
Ibn Ab¯ı ‘l-Baya¯n’s al-Dustu¯r al-b¯ıma¯rista¯n¯ı by the Jewish Practitioners of Medieval Cairo’,
Journal of Semitic Studies 53 (2008), pp. 103y118.
20 E. Lev, ‘Medieval Egyptian Judaeo-Arabic Prescriptions (and Edition of Three Medical
Prescriptions)’, Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (2008) 18(4): 449y464; E. Lev, L. Chipman
and F. Niessen, ‘Chicken and Chicory are Good for You: a Unique Family Prescription
from the Cairo Genizah (T-S NS 223.82y83)’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 35
(2008), pp. 335y352; L. Chipman and E. Lev, ‘Arabic Prescriptions from the Cairo Genizah’,
Asian Medicine 6 (2011), pp. 75y94; E. Lev and L. Chipman, Medical Prescriptions in the
Cambridge Genizah Collections: Practical Medicine and Pharmacology in Medieval Egypt
(Brill, Leiden) 2012.
21 Z. Amar and E. Lev, ‘The Significance of the Genizah’s Medical Documents for the Study
of Medieval Mediterranean Trade’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
50 (2007), pp. 524y541.
22 E. Lev, ‘A Catalogue of the Medical and Para-Medical Manuscripts in the Mosseri Genizah
Collection, together with several unpublished examples (X.37; I.124.2)’, Journal of Jewish
Studies 62 (2011), pp. 121y145; E. Lev and R. Smithuis, ‘A Preliminary Catalogue of the
Medical and Para- medical manuscripts in the Rylands Genizah Collection, together with the
partial edition of two medical fragments (B 3239 and A 589)’, Journal of Semitic Studies
23 J. Mann, The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the Fatimid Caliphs2 (Oxford University
Press, New York, 1970).
24 S.D. Goitein, Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders (Princeton University Press, Princeton,
25 M. Gil, Palestine during the first Muslim Period (634y1099), vols. IIyIII, (University of Tel
Aviv Press, Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, 1983).
26 S. D. Goitein and M. A. Friedman, India Traders of the Middle Ages: Documents from the
Cairo Geniza (‘India Book’) (Brill, LeidenyBoston, 2007).