Page 182 - קוך להעלאה לאתר
P. 182
רשימת הקיצורים לכתבי עת וסדרות180
MSIATAU = Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv
NEA = Near Eastern Archaeology
NEAEHL = Ephraim Stern (ed.), New Encyclopedia of Archaeological
Excavations in the Holy Land 5, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
Washington: Biblical Archaeology Society, 2008
OBO = Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
OBOSA = Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Seria Archaeologica
OJA = Oxford Journal of Archaeology
OAWDG = Österreische Akademie der Wissenschften, Denkschriften der
PdÄ = Probleme der Ägyptologie
PEFQS = Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement
PEQ = Palestine Exploration Quarterly
SAHL = Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant
SBL = Society of Biblical Literature
TA = Tel Aviv
UF = Ugarit Forschungen
VT = Vetus Testamentum
ZÄS = Zeitschrift für äegyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
ZDPV = Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins
107 ח"א,' 'ראש העין,לוי וחגית טורגה- ראש העין = רינה אבנר,לוי וטורגה-אבנר
59–58 ' עמ,)(תשנ"ז
Jurg Eggler, ‘Scorpion’ Iconography of Deities and Demons: Electronic = עקרב,אגלר
Pre Publication –
Gershon Edelstein and Sara Aurnat, ‘The “Philistine” = הקבר,אדלשטיין ואורנט
Tomb at Tell “Eton”, ‘Atiqot 21 (1992), pp. 23–41
Matthew J. Adams and Margaret E. Cohen, ‘Appendix: The = נספח,אדמס וכהן
“Sea Peoples” in Primary Sources’, Ann E. Killebrew and Gunnar Lehmann
(eds.), The Philistines and Other “Sea Peoples” in Text and Archaeology