Page 220 - קוך להעלאה לאתר
P. 220
רשימת הקיצורים הביבליוגרפיים218
Joe Uziel, ‘The Southern Coastal Plain of Canaan = החוף- דרום מישור,עוזיאל
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Joe Uziel and Rona S. Avissar Lewis, ‘The = תל נגילה,עוזיאל ואבישר לואיס
Tel Nagila Middle Bronze Age Homes: Studying Household Activities
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pp. 268–293
Joe Uziel, ‘Middle Bronze Age Ramparts: Functional and = סוללות,עוזיאל
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Jacob Uri, ‘A Bronze-Age Cemetery at Dhahrat el Humriya’, The = חומרה,עורי
Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 13 (1948), pp. 75–89
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65–35 ' עמ, תשע"ה,ללימודי ירושלים
Avraham Faust, et al., ‘Tēl ʿĒṭōn/Tell ʿĒṭūn and Its = תל עיטון,פאוסט ואחרים
Interregional Contacts from the Late Bronze Age to the Persian-Hellenistic
Period: Between Highlands and Lowlands’, ZDPV 130 (2014), pp. 43–76
Avraham Faust, and Hayah Katz, ‘Philistines, Israelites = פלשתים,פאוסט וכץ
and Canaanites in the Southern Trough Valley during the Iron Age I’,
Ägypten und Levante/Egypt and the Levant 21 (2011), pp. 231–247
Avraham Faust and Justin Lev-Tov, ‘The Constitution of = זהות,טוב-פאוסט ולב
Philistine Identity: Ethnic Dynamics in Twelfth to Tenth Century Philistia’,
OJA 30 (2011), pp. 13–31
Avraham Faust and Justin Lev-Tov, ‘Philistia and the = פלשת,טוב-פאוסט ולב
Philistines in the Iron Age I: Interaction, Ethnic Dynamics and Boundary
Maintenance’, Hiphil Novum 1 (2014)