Page 595 - הערבית-היהודית הקדומה בכתיב פונטי, חלק א' / בלאו והופקינס
P. 595

provided a serviceable philological basis from which others - linguists,
cultural historians, students of Biblical exegesis etc. - may take the
study of ancient Judaeo-Arabic further, expanding, correcting, refining
and developing what appears here.

    We have divided the collection of early Judaeo-Arabic texts in
phonetic spelling into two volumes. This first volume contains, in
addition to the general introduction, Biblical material (glossaries,
translations, commentaries and discussions); the second volume
will contain a selection of non-Biblical texts (halakha, documentary
material etc.).

                                                                                      J. Blau
                                                                                S. Hopkins

                                                                            February 2017

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